Brawl Stars Clancy Guide: Attacks, Star Power, Gadgets, Gears and more

Title character, the recently added legendary brawler to be part of the Brawl Stars team, forms the deep sea trio along with Hank and Odis. “Clancy is irrevocably committed (until Hank calls for a retreat). He has fully adopted his crustacean existence and will go to great lengths for his companions“. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the most effective strategies to make use of Clancy and her distinctive abilities, covering attacks, super, star power, gadgets, and ideal equipment combinations for various scenarios within Brawl Stars.

New Brawler: Clancy

Clancy is classified as a Mythic Brawler of rare quality. Players can acquire him by purchasing a pack from the shop for approximately $21.99 USD. The pack contains the free brawler, 8 Pins, 1 Spray, 2200 Power Points, 4000 coins, 80 Gems, and the “High Stakes” Clancy skin.

  • Rarity: Mythic
  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Health at lvl 11: 6600
  • Damage at lvl 11: 1600

Brawl Stars Clancy Guide: Abilities breakdown

Clancy’s Passive/Trait: Tokens

Just like Surge, Clancy features an enhancement system where he collects tokens upon successfully landing attacks on enemies. These tokens gradually build up until Clancy automatically levels up to a maximum of level 3. Unlike Surge, Clancy’s enhancements persist even after he is defeated, whereas Surge’s reset at death. The token collection limit increases as Clancy’s movement speed also boosts. In other words, Clancy earns tokens for both regular attacks and super moves, but it takes him longer to level up compared to Surge.

Clancy’s Attack: Power Wash

  • Level 1: Fires a single paintball, dealing damage to enemies.
  • Level 2: Upgrades to a dual-shot, firing two paintballs in a straight line.
  • Level 3: Unleashes a quadruple-shot, adding two diagonal paintballs to the original dual-shot attack, resulting in a total of four paintballs.

Clancy’s Super: Torrent

Clancy’s super ability, like his normal attack, can be upgraded as he levels up.

  • Level 1: Fires two streams of paintballs that move outward from his reticle and then converge back to the center, releasing a total of 16 paintballs.
  • Level 2: Increases the attack range, allowing each paintball to travel farther and cover a wider area.
  • Level 3: Boosts the damage of each paintball by 50%, making his super even more devastating.

Tips for using Clancy’s Super

Expanding Your Reach: Take advantage of your extended range at level 2 to prevent opponents from entering particular zones. This tactic is particularly effective in game modes such as Gem Grab and Brawl Ball, where commanding specific territories is vital for victory.

Boost Damage Levels: At level 3, Clancy amplifies the power of each paintball shot by 50%. Take advantage of this ability by focusing on attacking high-health opponents or enemy turrets. This enhanced damage can significantly shift the balance in your favor during combat.

Brawl Stars Clancy Guide: Gadgets and Star Power


Snappy Shooting

This device boosts the tokens Clancy gets from regular attacks against opponents for the subsequent 5 minutes, as the hits connect.

Tactical Retreat

When activated, Clancy dashes forward, stunning enemies and reloading one ammo.

Star Power


When you utilize this Star Power in Clancy’s build, you begin the match with three tokens.

Pumping up

Every time Clancy overpowers an adversary brawler (not including pets or turrets), he automatically refills his ammunition supply to the maximum capacity.

Best Game Modes for Clancy

Best Brawler Combination with Clancy

At the start of the game, it’s crucial for Clancy to gain experience and power up, making team support indispensable. For instance, Ollie, our new tank Brawler, or Shade can be beneficial by diverting enemy attention towards themselves, enabling you to gather tokens more swiftly or even score kills. Furthermore, Frank complements Clancy exceptionally well, allowing you two to quickly eliminate enemies. Clancy excels against tanks not only for eliminating them but also farming tokens. You might also consider Berry or Byron for healing support. Juju also works effectively with Clancy as their primary attacks make life difficult for the enemies.

Best Gears for Clancy in Brawl Stars

Damage Gear

Consider equipping the Damage Gear on Clancy to enhance his attack power, resulting in stronger paintballs and Super abilities. This setup effectively amplifies his offensive capabilities, enabling him to swiftly eliminate opponents efficiently.

Shield Gear

For Clancy, the Shield Gear is incredibly beneficial as it boosts his survivability with an extra protective shield that mitigates incoming damage. Furthermore, this shield restores itself in just 10 seconds when at full health, making it even more indispensable.

That’s it for the Clancy Guide in Brawl Stars.

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2025-03-03 20:12

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