Blasts credits coach Liuq for GG’s ALGS Year 4 improvement

Blasts credits coach Liuq for GG’s ALGS Year 4 improvement

As a gamer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that I’ve never witnessed a team’s meteoric rise like Gaimin Gladiators. Their journey from relative obscurity to being a household name in the Apex Legends community is nothing short of inspiring.

Blasts speaks to Xpsp at the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs in Mannheim.

Over the past few months, the Gaimin Gladiators have truly emerged as a standout team. Their impressive displays, led by Blasts, Lufka and LighT, have put them firmly on the map as a top contender. They showcased their strength at the Esports World Cup, where they performed exceptionally well. This outstanding performance was a continuation of their successful Pro League split, culminating in a third-place finish overall.

Xpsp spoke with Blasts ahead of the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs getting underway in Mannheim, Germany.

Coach Liuq has helped GG improve significantly

Throughout ALGS Year 4, the Gaimin Gladiators have consistently been climbing up the ranks. Their impressive fourth place at the Apex Esports World Cup has definitely grabbed attention in the Apex Legends community. Now, they’re being viewed as serious contenders by both ALGS commentators and professional players alike.

What has been the secret behind Gaimin Gladiators steady rise throughout the season?

“It seems like a combination of factors is at play here. It’s about having the right mindset, putting in the necessary effort, and setting clear objectives. I’d argue that the most significant change occurred when we brought on coach Liuq. He made us re-evaluate our understanding of the game. Essentially, we had to learn everything anew. I also believe that the arrival of Lufka impacted the team dynamic. We went from being a lower-ranked team to finishing 4th, and now we’re aiming even higher.”

“Without a doubt, the primary factor for our progress was the extensive effort we invested in the game beyond its actual playtime. For almost four months, we dedicated approximately 90% of our time to activities outside of the game, with the intention of enhancing ourselves and applying those improvements within the game. I believe it’s been all about cultivating beneficial habits, and our consistent effort has definitely paid off. This is evident in our improved performance.”

Blasts credits coach Liuq for GG’s ALGS Year 4 improvement

Work on the game but outside the game key for Blasts

For Blast, a significant portion of his efforts outside the game revolved around transitioning from using a mouse and keyboard to a controller. Notably, this shift occurred concurrently with a modification in his team’s strategy as well.

As a gaming enthusiast, I decided to switch up my controls, moving from mouse and keyboard to a controller. This change, while challenging at first, broadened my gaming skills significantly. Not only did I have to master the gameplay itself, but also adapting to a new control scheme.

“A key factor that significantly assisted me was understanding that it’s alright if you don’t grasp something immediately. Persistence is crucial when trying to learn something new, even if you face challenges. Additionally, observing how others approach the same task was also very beneficial for me in my learning process.”

Blasts credits coach Liuq for GG’s ALGS Year 4 improvement

GG totally relearned how to take fights

Under Liuq’s leadership, there has been a significant shift in the combat strategies of both Blasts and Gaimin Gladiators. Blasts himself describes this change as a complete re-education on their approach to and execution of battles since Liuq became part of their team.

In simpler terms, our approach was consistently choosing the superior position or high ground during gameplay. This isn’t something we consciously ponder over; it just feels right. For a full week, we’d only concentrate on seizing opportunities and finding the best spots to play in. That single-minded focus is key to improvement.

Blasts not surprised by GG’s quick improvement

For certain enthusiasts of ALGS, the Gaimin Gladiators’ performance at the Esports World Cup came as an unexpected turn of events. Yet, for the team itself, it was just the culmination of diligent effort finally bearing fruit. Has Blasts been caught off guard by their swift progress?

I could agree, but I’d be dishonest. The effort we’ve invested in reaching our current position is mind-boggling; it’s been relentless. It’s been a grueling journey due to our intense passion that often leads to heated exchanges among us. We get frustrated because we know our potential, and we’re all so good at what we do.

“When we do something bad, it’s critical because we’re like, we know we can do better. We know we can win LAN. So when you do that and you do it so much to an intensity like that, you expect to do good. When we had our first time, we came 10th. That was like a first experience. It was a big, it was a big change.

1. “During the EWC, I believe we acted flawlessly. Everyone was in sync, which made it an exceptional event. Our performance demonstrates how much we’ve prepared, reflecting our practice time well.”

If their performance indicates success, could it be that they have earned a promotion from being underdogs to competing alongside teams like Luminosity, Team Falcons, and Alliance?

As a gamer, I firmly believe this. For over a year now, we’ve been consistently demonstrating our skills and dedication. It seems illogical to me why we wouldn’t be recognized as a strong team. I’ve often heard whispers that we’re one of the best teams globally, and I must say, it’s a compliment that I truly cherish. When I finally clinch a LAN victory, I believe I’ll wholeheartedly concur with those who praise us.

Blasts credits coach Liuq for GG’s ALGS Year 4 improvement

“It’s probably the one thing I’m most grateful for in life”

It’s clear that Blasts benefits greatly from the close-knit network of support he enjoys. At various events, his sister accompanies him, underscoring the crucial role this backing plays in Blasts’ life.

Among all the blessings in my life, what I appreciate the most is undoubtedly my family’s love and support. It seems many overlook this gift, but I firmly believe that without their unwavering care and encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am today. They consistently stand by me, offering their loving support, and it truly makes all the difference in my journey.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel the constant presence of my sister in this digital world too. Whether it’s a quick chat or a deep discussion, she’s always there to engage. And when we explore these virtual landscapes together, it feels like she’s right beside me, sometimes even joining willingly! It’s an incredible feeling knowing I have such unwavering support from my family.

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2024-08-29 22:45

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