Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

As a seasoned journalist, I have had the privilege of interviewing countless stars over the years, but few have left me as inspired and intrigued as Blanca. Her approach to health and wellness is truly refreshing, especially in today’s fast-paced world where stress and unhealthy habits seem to reign supreme.

Blanca Blanco posed in an emerald green bikini for the Labor day weekend this year.

The actress portraying Katarina Lopez in the latest film “Finding Nicole” is currently taking a break in the Caribbean following her completion of various upcoming projects.

daily mail dot com was informed by the model that she’s discovered a fresh lifestyle hack requiring only 20 minutes per day, which has yielded impressive outcomes for her.

‘I have been doing a new workout trick that was suggested by my trainer,’ she told

Instead of taking 20-minute strolls in the morning, I found they didn’t significantly aid in weight loss. However, I learned that incorporating short sprints (around 10 seconds) during my walks could boost my metabolism.

This activity can be considered a form of biohacking as it involves repeatedly starting and stopping to run, which pushes your body beyond its usual pace. Yet, it’s not overly strenuous and still requires only 20 minutes of your time.

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day
Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

I’m constantly seeking fresh methods to maximize my exercise routine as daily workouts can become tiring at times, causing me to lose motivation. Changing things up helps make the workout feel less burdensome.

Another trick she has is she has carbs only once a week.

“Consuming large amounts of carbohydrates takes my body by surprise because it’s not accustomed to such intake. It’s tough for me to eliminate them entirely, so I try to limit them to once a week. This way, my body doesn’t adapt to them and can handle them effectively. On the other hand, if you consume carbs daily, your body may struggle to process them efficiently.”

After Blanca informed, she has no intention to utilize Ozempic for weight loss purposes. Instead, she prefers to exercise at the gym and sweat off the pounds, rather than relying on medication.

Blanca mentioned that Ozempic works miracles for those dealing with Diabetes, yet she personally wouldn’t utilize it for weight loss purposes.

“I understand that it’s tough to shed pounds, and I don’t criticize those who attempt it. However, maintaining my current weight through dieting and exercise is more suitable for me personally.”

While I must acknowledge that I’ve been fortunate, as my metabolism works quickly, making things a bit easier for me compared to many others. However, it’s essential for everyone to make choices that suit their circumstances, always prioritizing health above all else.

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day
Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day
Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

She wore the red-white-and-blue bikini well as it made the most of her abs and toned legs.

Maintaining physical fitness holds significance for the actress from Eye For Eye, as she shares with that she’s discovered an innovative approach to exercise.

She does strength training instead of intense cardio – and she does it at home as well as the gym.

In the conversation with, she emphasized the significance of maintaining muscle mass as we age due to a condition known as sarcopenia. This health issue results in a gradual decrease of both muscle mass and strength in older individuals.

Maintaining muscle mass doesn’t just improve your physical appearance, it also enhances your mobility and reduces the likelihood of injuries.

She added: ‘So I have been focusing on mobility, strength, and stability. It is so easy to do, I keep free weights at home and at the gym I use the machines. It is a must for me now.’

She also lost 10lbs earlier this year by giving up meat and is instead eating fish and chicken.

She shared with that she believes her waistline improvement is noticeable, as her dresses fit loosely on her now. Additionally, she mentioned that she no longer crave steaks due to their sometimes excessive weight.

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

At the start of this year, the author of Breaking The Mold shared with that she carries out quick exercise routines lasting ten minutes.

She mentioned that on days when she’s feeling lethargic, she splits her workouts into two 10-minute sessions daily. While it may sound unconventional, she finds that a quick 10-minute run on the treadmill can still make you sweat. So, she does this in the morning. Later in the day, she adds another 10 minutes of sit-ups to her routine. This totals a 20-minute workout. She believes this approach helps with weight loss and if done consistently, it can lead to losing a pound per week.

She said she is just like everyone else when it comes to workout burnout.

She shared with that while many believe she enjoys going to the gym, there are times when she honestly prefers staying at home and indulging in marathon Netflix sessions instead.

On most days, I exercise for an hour each time, spread over five days in a week. This routine is crucial for maintaining my mental well-being as it significantly boosts my mood. Even brief 10-minute workout sessions have a noticeable impact on me, elevating my endorphin levels.

She added that there are other workouts she doesn’t consider workouts.

The individual mentioned, “Every day, I take a stroll through my local area for an hour, yet I don’t view it as a proper workout despite knowing it burns calories. This is me,” she added, having attended the Emmys for the first time this year.

Here’s a way to rephrase the given text in a natural and easy-to-understand manner:

Previously, the actor who is set to portray therapist Alma Gomez in Ash And Bone 2, has revealed her thrifty diet plan for 2023 to

Blanca said that staying slender has a lot to do with timing meals.

‘I never eat late at night, this is a golden rule I have adopted this summer. I stop eating at about 6 pm so my body can digest what I have eaten before I go to sleep. 

Instead of indulging in late-night snacks like popcorn bowls or cereal bars, I’ve decided to eliminate them from my routine. When I feel extremely hungry, I opt for a healthy alternative by chopping up some vegetables and drizzling them with olive oil and sea salt. However, most times I simply wait until breakfast to satisfy my hunger.

Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day
Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day
Blanca Blanco poses in a green bikini as she shares her new biohack that takes 20 minutes a day

Additionally, it helps save some money. Previously, I used to occasionally visit Go Greek for a treat of frozen yogurt during the night. Nowadays, I have stopped doing that habit.

I’ve mostly stopped indulging in desserts at night now. Occasionally, during dinners out, I’d splurge on an extravagant dessert costing around $14. Not anymore. Those pricey desserts at upscale restaurants can quickly add up! Once, I even ordered a chocolate dessert priced at $22. It wasn’t worth the expense or the 1,000 calories.

‘If I want something sweet, I have a decaf coffee with some honey.’

As a connoisseur of holistic wellness, I’m currently embracing the Mediterranean lifestyle. This approach emphasizes a high intake of protein, keeping carbohydrates relatively low. That’s because, when our bodies process carbs, they often convert into sugar.

‘It just requires a lot of fresh vegetables so I am always running to the grocery store.’

The Mediterranean diet beat low-fat diets for weight loss, research has shown. 

A study published in ‘Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy’ in 2020 found that many individuals could successfully lose weight by adopting a plant-based diet rather than an omnivore one. This might be due to the increased fiber consumption and the decrease in animal proteins, which are replaced with plant proteins. Other factors may also contribute to this weight loss.

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2024-09-02 17:25

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