Beldum Pokémon GO Community Day Classic: Tips, tricks & 100% IV CP values

As a seasoned Trainer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the upcoming Beldum Community Day Classic is shaping up to be a real treat for us Pokémon GO enthusiasts! With my trusty Pokedex by my side and a lifetime of battles under my belt, I’m more than ready to tackle this exciting event.

At last! Beldum finally gets a Pokémon GO Community Day Classic.

At last! The upcoming Pokémon GO Community Day Special Event is focusing on Beldum. This means trainers have another opportunity to catch a Shimmering Beldum, as well as a Metagross equipped with the unique move, Meteor Mash.

Beldum Community Day Classic takes place Sunday, June 18 from 1400-1700 local time.

Many trainers are excited about the prospect of Beldum being selected for the upcoming Pokémon GO Community Day Classic. For a long time, fans have been asking for this event, and now Niantic has granted their wish. With Mega Metagross still not available in the game, could this be the precursor to obtaining that powerful Mega Pokémon?

Apart from Beldum, you’ll also receive some attractive incentives. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity for you and your friends to gather and enjoy some Pokémon GO playtime together.

Beldum Pokémon GO Community Day Classic bonuses

Here are the potential rewards for trainers during the Beldum Community Day Classic event in Pokémon GO (subject to change).

  • 2x XP for catching Pokémon
  • 2x Candy for catching Pokémon
  • Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for 3 hours
  • Lure Modules activated during the event will last for 3 hours
  • Be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops during Beldum Community Day Classic
  • Take a few Snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!

Additionally, you’ll find a $1 Research Ticket, Showcases, and grouped special items in the Pokémon GO Shop.

Image: Niantic

Featured Pokémon: Beldum

At the scheduled event periods, you’re likely to encounter Beldum more often in their natural habitat. Additionally, your chances of capturing a Shiny Beldum will be higher during these times.

During the Pokemon GO Community Day Classic, Beldum will have a special move for evolving – Meteor Mash. Any Metang that evolve into Metagross during this event will automatically learn this Steel-type move. If your existing Metagross doesn’t possess Meteor Mash, it can only acquire this move by using an Elite Technical Machine (Elite TM).

Shiny Beldum, Shiny Metang and Shiny Metagross

Here you’ll find both the standard and sparkling editions of the Pokémon family, highlighted during this Community Day Special Event.


During the Beldum Community Day Classic event in Pokémon GO, there’s approximately a 4% chance, or put another way, every 25 encounters, you might find a shiny Beldum.

Beldum Pokémon GO 100% IV values and chart

As a long-time Pokemon trainer with years of battling and capturing creatures under my belt, I can confidently say that understanding CP (Combat Power) values is essential for any aspiring Pokemon master. The table you see here illustrates the highest possible CP a Beldum can achieve at each level in different weather conditions. For those who don’t know, Beldum can be found in the wild between levels 1 and 30, but if it’s windy or snowy out, this Pokemon can appear as low as level 6 and as high as level 35.

Here are the CP values that will show you have a 100% IV Beldum.

113 CP243 CP372 CP
4102 CP5131 CP6161 CP
7190 CP8220 CP9249 CP
10279 CP11307 CP12334 CP
13362 CP14390 CP15418 CP
16446 CP17474 CP18502 CP
19530 CP20558 CP21585 CP
22613 CP23641 CP24669 CP
25697 CP26725 CP27753 CP
28781 CP29809 CP30837 CP
31851 CP32865 CP33879 CP
34892 CP35906 CP36920 CP
37934 CP38948 CP39962 CP
40976 CP41989 CP421001 CP
431014 CP441026 CP451039 CP
461052 CP471065 CP481077 CP
491091 CP501104 CP

In a research study involving tasks like the $1 Ticket, it was found that Beldum with a perfect IV (100%) has a Combat Power (CP) of approximately 418. Meanwhile, Metang and Metagross have respective CP values of 738 and 1625.

Metagross Best Pokémon GO Moveset

During Beldum Community Day, Trainers will have an opportunity to acquire Meteor Mash as a secondary Charged Attack for their Metagross. Meteor Mash is among the strongest Steel-type moves in Pokémon GO and makes Metagross even more formidable with its inclusion.

In Pokémon GO, Metagross stands out as an excellent Steel-type combatant, so it’s an ideal moment to stock up on some powerful Metagross before its Mega Evolution is made available.

The best moveset for Metagross is:

  • Bullet Punch
  • Meteor Mash
  • Psychic

Beldum Community Day Classic: Pokémon GO Tips and Tricks

During the Beldum Community Day in Pokémon GO, trainers can benefit from some attractive perks. Beldum, being a highly sought-after Pokémon, makes this event even more enticing. The fact that you receive double XP and double Stardust simultaneously means you’re able to level up and power up your Pokémon with just one action.

You can gather lots of much desired Stardust while also working towards your next Level Up too. If you’re already at Level 50, keep farming that XP. If Niantic (more likely when, not if!) raise the Level Cap to 60, you’ll have a big head start.

During this special occasion, there won’t be any Candy bonuses for capturing Pokémon. But don’t worry, you can still rack up extra Candy, Candy XL, and XP by utilizing a Mega Level 3 Pokémon with either a Steel or Psychic type during the Mega Evolution!

Here are the Pokémon you can Mega Evolve to get extra Candy, Candy XL and XP for catching Beldum:

  • Steelix
  • Scizor
  • Aggron
  • Lucario
  • Alakazam
  • Slowbro
  • Gardevoir
  • Medicham
  • Latias
  • Latios
  • Rayquaza

Don’t forget some other easy tips:

  • Don’t catch Pokémon before the event starts. These Pokémon can turn into Beldum.
  • Spin as many Pokéstops as possible, to get event specific Field Research as well as extra resources.
  • Don’t activate Lures’ or Incense till the event starts to get the extra time.
  • Have fun!

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2024-08-07 13:40

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