As Ben Cohen ‘fights to save his relationship’ with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the ‘Siberian Siren’ and why they were still ‘going through the wringer’ years later

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

As I delve deeper into this heart-wrenching tale, it’s impossible not to feel a profound sense of empathy for each of these individuals. The story of Ben and Kristina is a classic example of the complexities and unpredictabilities that life often throws at us.

Over ten years have passed since Ben Cohen and Kristina Rihanoff first spotted each other dancing across the shiny Strictly dance floor back in 2013.

During their stint on the show, they maintained there was nothing going on between them. However, after the show ended, Ben found himself experiencing such powerful emotions that he ultimately chose to leave his 13-year marriage with Abby Cohen behind.

It was a decision that did not sit well for the public, nor of course his jilted wife.  

Abby openly discussed her heartache, asserting that Ben had been unfaithful to her. In a well-known statement, she declared: “My longtime partner of 23 years, who I had always loved unreservedly and stood by in every way, has left me for a Russian ballerina.

As I stood there, oblivious to the surrounding din, Ben and Kristina, beaming with pride, openly expressed their deep-seated affection for one another. Their union bore fruit in the form of a beautiful daughter, Milena, at eight years old. To the outside world, they were the epitome of a perfect couple… but that idyllic image has been shattered, unfortunately.

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

Last week, Ben confessed that the couple were going through problems as he gave evidence in court after Kristina was caught driving without insurance.

At the appeal court session on Friday, Ben confessed that he had missed a text from his insurance provider regarding the incident earlier, while his partner was emotionally distraught throughout the proceeding.

Ben expressed: “Every morning, I struggle hard to avoid losing everything – my vehicles, my home, and my bond with someone special. I’ve overspent to the point of having an overdraft.

He indicated that they are still cohabiting and share their financial responsibilities.

It seems our partnership faced a challenge as we started our business prior to the pandemic, experiencing some of its most severe impacts. To put it frankly, this additional issue is yet another hurdle I’m navigating through.

“My credit card balances exceed the limits, and I’m running a deficit on both accounts. Our business is also struggling with debt due to the pandemic, adding to our troubles.

The victor of the Rugby World Cup testified next to the accomplished dancer, following an incident where she was spotted driving a £30,000 Audi Q3 in Northampton on April 4.

Kristina received six demerit points on her driver’s license, which could lead to a ban if she accumulated another 6 points (making it 12 in total). However, instead of being automatically disqualified due to “totting up,” she chose to challenge the charge for driving without insurance in court.

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

During the pandemic, Ben and Kristina faced challenges with their SooYoga holistic wellness venture, as it was adversely affected by the lockdown restrictions.

Earlier, it was disclosed that they hadn’t received any financial aid from the government during that period, which inevitably affected their mental well-being as well.

In a heartfelt confession, I find myself saying: “It’s simple to admire someone when everything’s going smoothly, but the true test of love comes when life throws its curveballs.

Ben added: ‘Every love story has its honeymoon period but that eventually goes.

For me, love encompasses more than just affection; it involves sharing life’s challenges and triumphs with someone special. In this context, my partner and I have faced tough periods together, but we’ve always persevered and continued to grow as a team.

‘She’s the person I want in my life forever.’

Last year, Ben insisted that their relationship had been ‘strengthened’ by the hardships. 

He told Hello! Magazine: ‘Over the last nine years we’ve been through the wringer‘.

‘Going through tough business periods together is the true test of a strong partnership. I’ve seen her thrive, from being a mother to developing into a successful entrepreneur, which has only made our connection stronger.’

Additionally, the couple decided to involve their loved ones more in the wedding preparations. They expressed their desire for their special day to be a family event, including Ben’s twin daughters Harriette and Isabelle, aged 15, whom he shares with Abbey, and Mila, who will serve as bridesmaids.

As an over-the-moon fanboy, let me share: Mila can hardly contain her excitement! She’s already spilled the beans about her outfit choice to me. “I want a dress just like that one, Mummy, with a long train similar to yours,” she excitedly tells me. Indeed, this little fashionista knows exactly what she wants!

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

The couple got engaged in 2022 when Ben proposed on holiday in the Maldives. 

On their boat journey to a nearby isle, it was then that Kristina spotted an illuminated heart fashioned from floating lanterns and the message ‘Will you marry me?’ etched into the sand.

Even though we had discussed marriage in the past, I never suspected that Ben was planning it. It came as a complete surprise to me.

‘I was overcome with emotion and said “Yes, yes and yes” straight away. My first reaction was wow.

It felt incredibly unreal, and I found myself in disbelief as events unfolded. Typically, I’m quite observant, but I had no idea that Ben had been scheming this all along. The fact that he could maintain such secrecy is truly astounding.

Previously, the vivacious brunette asserted that she faced discrimination based on gender when there were whispers about her relationship with Ben.

In 2015, when speaking exclusively to The Mail on Sunday, she clarified their status while Ben’s previous relationship with Abby had ended: “We are two independent individuals who appreciate each other’s company and share work responsibilities.

As a die-hard enthusiast, I can’t help but wonder what the future may bring. Regarding my personal life, it’s solely mine to keep, separate from my role as a citizen. It’s my sanctuary, not something owed to the nation at large.

Kristina also took issue with her ‘Siberian Siren’ tag. 

During her eight-year tenure on Strictly, she earned the label following brief romantic involvements with fellow professional dancer Vincent Simone and a four-year relationship with boxing champion Joe Calzaghe.

Kristina asserted: ‘I’m an ordinary person, and like everyone else, I’ve made mistakes. It doesn’t mean I should be punished for them. My past actions are part of who I am now, not a sentence for eternal judgment.’

‘Although some might assume I’m unfazed by criticism, I assure you that isn’t true. It deeply affects me, often causing me pain for extended periods. My friends sometimes jest about turning my nickname, the Siberian Siren, into a brand with perfumes or lingerie, but I’m not interested because it doesn’t align with who I am.’

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

She stated: ‘I feel like I’m being portrayed as a shark preying on men, and yet I can’t escape this label of being just the “single girl” who causes trouble for other couples.’

‘Why do people point the finger at the woman and never the man?’

In 2022, Claudia Winkleman had to make a deeply apologetic statement to the pair, as she incorrectly stated that their romantic connection started during the program when it actually didn’t.

According to an article by Richard Eden in his Eden Confidential column, it was later discovered that Claudia had made a mistake during her appearance on The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan on Channel 4 at Television Centre, when she stated that the couple she knew were Ben and Kristina instead of the actual couple. After realizing her error, Claudia reportedly apologized for the misunderstanding.

Kristina, hailing from Vladivostok, Russia, and Ben have consistently maintained that their romantic involvement didn’t start until a year following his participation on Strictly.

Following her discovery of what she termed “Claudia’s falsehoods” during the Channel 4 broadcast, she warned of potential lawsuits and reached out to the program’s host directly.

After realizing her mistake, Claudia humbly apologized to both of them, expressing: “I’m extremely sorry.” In a message that was later viewed, she clarified: “I assumed the question pertained to who had found long-term love on Strictly.

I enthusiastically announced, “Ben and Kristina,” before mentioning Stacey Dooley and Kevin Clifton, the TV presenter and former Strictly professional dancer who have been dating since 2019 after being paired together on the show in 2018.

‘So sorry, I’m a moron. It was a two-second moment.’

Ben’s ex-wife Abby has been vocal about the betrayal she went through with Ben.

After parting ways with him in 2014, she shared with The Sun On Sunday a year later: ‘The man I had been with for 23 years, who I gave my unwavering love and loyalty to, has moved on with a Russian ballerina.’

Over the past two years, I’ve experienced some of the toughest, most challenging times in my life. He betrayed me badly and I feel hurt. I need to share this with others.

Here’s a possible way to rephrase that sentence: “I’d rather avoid adding more trouble or complications. However, I’m simply working on healing from the worst period I’ve ever experienced in my life.

After Ben parted ways with Abby, there were rumors about him and Kristina, but they both insisted they hadn’t been romantically involved, even though photos of them with their arms around each other on the London subway had surfaced.

In the summer of 2015, they chose to vacation in Turkey, specifically Antalya, as a pair. Interestingly enough, they attempted to conceal their destination, opting for individual plane tickets to maintain the secrecy of their trip.

As Ben Cohen 'fights to save his relationship' with Kristina Rihanoff how he sparked public outrage when he left his wife for the 'Siberian Siren' and why they were still 'going through the wringer' years later

Reflecting on the painful dissolution of her marriage, Abby, who found herself smitten with Ben at only 16 and eventually fell in love, shared: “Every time I sat in the [Strictly] studio audience, I wore a smile, but now I realize that I was actually quite afraid.

She commented: ‘Fortunately, I no longer resemble the terrified woman from before; I’ve changed significantly. Maybe Strictly Dance Contest ended up benefiting me in the end.’

In 2016, the news about Ben and Kristina having a baby hit them like a knife, Abby shared bravely. She admitted she couldn’t fathom enduring such torment, yet asserted resolutely, “If I can, then surely anyone can.

Apart from what she previously mentioned, she additionally disclosed that the dissolution of her marriage with Ben left her incapable of eating, sleeping, or even leaving her bed. This challenging period resulted in her experiencing not one but two mental health crises.

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2024-09-09 18:08

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