Amanda Abbington’s ‘worried’ Strictly co-stars reported actresses’ complaints and were promised by BBC producers ‘we are on it’ as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

As a seasoned television insider with a keen eye for production nuances, I find myself deeply moved by the accounts of these Strictly Come Dancing veterans. Their experiences resonate profoundly with me, not just as a fellow industry member, but as someone who has navigated their own share of showbiz waters.

As a seasoned lifestyle advisor, I’ve found myself in situations where I notice a fellow dancer, like Amanda Abbington on Strictly Come Dancing, may be facing challenges during rehearsals. Concerned colleagues and I voiced our concerns to the producers, assuring them that we understood her struggles might be causing some worry. To which they graciously responded, “We appreciate your vigilance; rest assured, we’re actively addressing this issue.”

Since the suspension of professional dancer Giovanni Pernice on the BBC show, there’s been an influx of dramatic events. This is because his celebrity partner alleged that he exhibited abusive behavior, describing him as both cruel and unkind. However, he has refuted these accusations.

After the termination of Graziano Di Prima last month, due to accusations of verbal and physical abuse towards Zara McDermott during rehearsals, Graziano has expressed regret for kicking his previous partner. He has also stated that other allegations do not correspond with his memory of the events.

Currently, Krishnan Guru-Murthy, another competitor, has stepped forward to bring attention to the actresses’ concerns, as he has connections spanning various positions within the BBC.

Prior to her departure, he developed a strong connection with Abbington, and it’s known that she expressed difficulties with the Italian dancer, Giovanni Pernice, who is currently under investigation.

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

Krishnan, the host on Channel 4, mentioned that he established a group chat on WhatsApp on the day we initially met as a group.

‘It was very lively and we shared all our experiences throughout Strictly and afterwards.

‘It was full of, oh you know, this is difficult and a nightmare and all that.

‘We would share our trials and tribulations, and Amanda would as well.

Indeed, I found myself expressing sentiments that underscored my challenges and the tough times I was experiencing.

I found myself struggling alongside everyone else, as the situation was undeniably challenging. Yet, there was something unique about her words that stood apart from the rest.

Indeed, I had conversations with others expressing my concerns for Amanda’s well-being, suggesting they reach out to her as well.

They assured me they were handling the situation, kept me informed, and maintained regular communication with her.

Following that, it’s essential for you to immerse yourself in your personal activities since for four days a week, you are engrossed in the Strictly experience with your dance partner, leaving little room for contemplation on other matters.

‘So I raised it, I talked to them about it, they said, ‘Yes we’re on it, don’t worry.’

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

Later on, Krishnan found himself worrying about being questioned as to why Sherlock actor, Abbington (at 50 years old), decided to leave Strictly Come Dancing, especially since she claimed her concerns were not adequately addressed by the BBC, during his post-competition interviews.

Implying a prior concealment was underway, he claims he was informed: ‘It will not be brought to light.’

Krishnan stated on BBC Radio 4 last night, “They refused to answer my question about Strictly Come Dancing, demonstrating the considerable influence the BBC wields in this area.”

Krishnan advised that this upcoming show, set to begin next month, should avoid any controversies in order to continue successfully.

Last month, a significant stir occurred when it was revealed that dancer Graziano Di Prima, aged 30, had been let go due to allegations of physical and verbal abuse against reality TV personality Zara McDermott, 27, during practice sessions.

Speaking as a lifestyle expert, if asked about Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman addressing the recent uproar during their first program, my personal view is, ‘Oh dear, I certainly hope not. No, in fact, they should steer clear of it. Instead, I believe they should focus on delivering an exceptional show.’

They need to organize a flawless event, entirely free from scandal, ensuring everyone enjoys themselves thoroughly while maintaining maximum safety. Only then can they successfully navigate through this situation.

Last week on Channel 4 News, Krishnan, aged 54, interviewed Abbington, and during this conversation, she disclosed that the alleged mistreatment encompassed sexual comments supposedly made by Pernice, who is 33 years old. Recounting the origin of the interview, the journalist shared: “I hadn’t caught up with Amanda since week five on Strictly.”

‘We’ve been in touch, I sent her text messages and we’ve spoken, but we hadn’t seen each other.

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

To set the record straight, this conversation wasn’t planned as a detailed discussion about Strictly; it wasn’t designed to be a sensational revelation kind of talk.

Amanda began discussing her role in a fresh stage production, recently featuring in an interview for The Sunday Times. Notably, conversations about Strictly Come Dancing were prevalent within the piece, leading me to remark that she appears to be articulating herself effectively.

‘I sent her a message and said, ‘Would you like to do something on the telly?’ And she said yes.

In our conversation, neither did we specify the focus nor confirm if Strictly Come Dancing would be a topic for discussion during the interview.

‘We didn’t actually speak to each other until we saw each other that day.

As I delved into our conversation, it swiftly unfolded that she was eager to discuss ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. Given my prior contemplation on the topics to explore, I couldn’t help but seize this opportunity to delve deeper into the subject at hand.

‘It wasn’t a normal, objective interview.

I was involved and present, and I had a wealth of information that I chose not to disclose as it wasn’t mine to share.

At times, I’d pose questions to her even though I already knew the answers. I did this because I was curious to see what responses she’d give, and I wanted to share those insights with the wider community.

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

In an attempt to minimize intrusion while gathering accurate information, I strove to perform my duties by creating space, posing questions, and seeking clarification. I believe there has been considerable misunderstanding and misinformation regarding the current situation, so my goal was to delve deeper and clear up any ambiguities.

Rather than sharing negative recollections like Abbington does, Krishnan expresses only positive memories about his experience on Strictly. He ponders whether the program may unintentionally embody a form of ‘ingrained sexism,’ which, according to him, is deeply rooted within dance culture.

He continued: ‘It was genuinely revelatory and extraordinary and wonderful and I loved every minute of it.

‘People didn’t believe me and people now keep saying, what was your real experience?

Given my extensive experience with people and events over the years, I can’t help but suspect that your account of the situation might not be entirely truthful. After all, based on what others have said at the time and continue to say now, it seems there may be discrepancies in your story. However, I always strive to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I’ll keep an open mind until I have more evidence to support my suspicions.

‘No, everything I said was absolutely true.

‘I had a marvellous experience. I was cared for and looked after and felt very safe.

As an utterly enamored dance enthusiast, I can’t help but express my profound gratitude for the exceptional dance companion I found in Lauren Oakley. Her keen eye for brilliance, her patient yet engaging teaching style, and her unparalleled kindness and thoughtfulness made every moment on the dance floor a truly memorable experience.

Her intention wasn’t about being overly competitive or winning, but rather, she expressed, “I merely wish to instill in you a passion for dance.” And indeed, she managed to do so quite swiftly.

Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos
Amanda Abbington's 'worried' Strictly co-stars reported actresses' complaints and were promised by BBC producers 'we are on it' as scandal-hit show plunges into further chaos

From my experience, I’ve navigated various aspects of television and big productions, and have connections spanning different tiers at the BBC. This gave me confidence that I could easily communicate with people regarding any concerns or ideas I might have about Strictly Come Dancing.

‘I knew I could go and talk to people and I did.

“It seems likely that one factor contributing to my experience is the presence of ingrained sexism within the dance community, a topic I’ve discussed previously.”

The focus mainly centers on a young man, given control over his choice of woman, despite it being the women who typically execute most of the tasks and create the visually appealing results.

As an ardent admirer, when I had the privilege to lift Lauren, it was as if she was the engine driving our dance partnership. Yet, this impression can be misleading since traditional dance norms suggest men hold the reins. However, Lauren masterfully flipped these conventions, demonstrating a captivating blend of control and grace that left me in awe.

I believe that since Strictly is a unique blend of a BBC1 Saturday night entertainment program, a dance spectacular, a West End production, and show business, there’s always a bit of each aspect that seeps into it. Maintaining the right balance among these elements is crucial.

Last year, my beloved partner Abbington, who graced our screens as a celebrity on Strictly, took a step back for personal reasons that went deeper than many realized. Following their time together on the show, it was reported that she faced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the experience. Rumors swirled that she had sought footage of their rehearsals in an attempt to cope with the aftermath and heal from the emotional toll of competition.

Subsequently, sources reported that actresses Ranvir Singh and Whitmore held a heartfelt meeting, during which they shared experiences from working with Pernice on the show. This discussion led the BBC to initiate an investigation into Pernice’s behavior.

Amanda expresses that she feels open to harm and unsafe when using public transportation, as a result of internet threats she has received from fans of Strictly Come Dancing.

On trains and other public places, the actress who plays Sherlock occasionally feels exposed and vulnerable due to the type of threats she was receiving. She shared this during an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour.

‘It seems as though you’ve made yourself appear somewhat unpopular by expressing that you’re not completely satisfied with this situation.’

In 2018, Whitmore expressed that she hadn’t enjoyed her stint on Strictly Come Dancing. She departed the contest during week seven, stating she felt ‘shattered’, and confessed to crying daily throughout the experience.

As a die-hard fan, I can’t help but feel the Irish presenter’s discomfort when paired so soon after their breakup with Georgia May Foote’s former partner on the dance floor. The thought of them sharing moves left me squirming in my seat, as I could sense the palpable unease that seemed to linger between them. It felt awkwardly intimate, akin to an unwelcome intrusion into their personal lives.

In her articles for The Huffington Post, she expressed that she cherishes dancing, having ranked first on two occasions. However, she found herself caught up in a separation that wasn’t connected to her. For the second time, she became a subject of romance speculation.

Initially, I found myself paired with a dance partner who made me deeply uneasy, eventually leaving me shattered emotionally and physically. Each day, I wept due to the overwhelming distress I felt. In truth, by the conclusion, I was truly shattered on multiple levels.

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2024-08-02 13:36

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