Agatha All Along episode 6 recap: “Familiar by Thy Side”

Agatha All Along episode 6 recap: "Familiar by Thy Side"

As a seasoned fan of Marvel’s intricate storylines, I must say that this narrative arc is proving to be one of the most captivating yet. The character development and plot twists in WandaVision have been nothing short of extraordinary, weaving together the past and present of our beloved characters in a way that keeps us hooked episode after episode.

Progressing swiftly through the seasons! In episode 5 of “Agatha All Along,” we discover that the Teen character is actually Billy Maximoff, son of Wanda Maximoff, also known as The Scarlet Witch. This revelation comes after the coven finishes the third trial on the Witches’ Path. Tragically, Alice perishes during this trial when Agatha extracts her powers and strips her of vital energy.

In response to being upset, Teen/Billy confronts Agatha. It is during this encounter that his hidden identity becomes clear. For the first time, we witness him utilizing his powers as he takes control of Jen and Lilia, using them as pawns to trap Agatha in a pit filled with mud. Afterward, he traps both Jen and Lilia separately in another mud pit. Now, let’s see what happens next.

Here’s what happens in Agatha All Along‘s latest episode, “Familiar by Thy Side.”

Spoilers ahead from Agatha All Along episode 6!

Agatha All Along episode 6 recap: "Familiar by Thy Side"

In the sixth installment, we journey back in time to before the character now known as Teen/Billy interacts with Agatha. Here, we discover that his name isn’t Teen or Billy; it is actually William Kaplan. Rest assured, this information will become clearer as the story unfolds.

16-year-old Billy/Teen Billy/William appears to hail from a pair of caring guardians, Jeff and Rebecca. They host a party for him, and during the festivities, he seeks the wisdom of a palm reader at the event – none other than Lilia Calderu! As she examines his palm, the lights within the tent start to fluctuate. Her eyes widen in surprise as she informs him, “Your lifeline has a distinct break.

In a different phrasing: William grows anxious, and Lilia attempts to calm him down, reassuring him that everything is fine. She tells him, “You’re evolving into a man, transforming into a new version of yourself.” However, her words are followed by an unexpected comment, “The Tower Reversed.” Baffled by this sudden statement from Lilia, William decides to abandon the palm reading session and return to the party. Unaware that he left his coat in the tent, he departs without it.

Lilia appears to fall into a deep concentration again, pulling out a wooden block and carving a symbol on it. Her gaze shifts towards William’s coat, casually slipping it into her pocket unaware of the action. Indeed, she seems to be under some kind of spell. She grabs the coat and gives it to an unfamiliar woman at the gathering, explaining that a child must have left it in her tent.

As the festivities continue, authorities arrive at the scene to inform everyone about a disturbance related to the abnormality in Westview. Everyone is instructed to leave immediately. Like their fellow partygoers, William, Jeff, and Rebecca hastily depart for their homes in Eastview. During their journey home, William discovers an emblem in his coat pocket. With his attention drawn to a diminishing red hexagon in the heavens, Rebecca momentarily loses focus on the road and nearly collides with another vehicle, but she manages to avoid it at the last second. Unfortunately, her evasive maneuver causes her car to veer off course and crash into a tree.

In a rather grim scenario, Rebecca and Jeff, both injured, stir awake to find an unconscious William drenched in blood in the backseat. They summon a nearby police officer, who turns out to be Alice, for aid. Tragically, William ceases breathing, indicating his demise. However, the spirit of Billy Maximoff inexplicably takes possession of William’s body, restarting his heart. This aligns with Lilia’s earlier prediction that his life force had been split into two. Initially William, he is now Billy Maximoff inhabiting William’s physical form. Without a moment’s pause, Billy regains consciousness and screams out “Tommy!”, a name familiar to readers of Marvel comics or viewers of Wandavision, as Tommy is Billy’s twin brother.

I, myself, find myself back in the presence of Rebecca, Jeff, and Officer Alice, convinced that the person lying before us is my long-lost son, William. However, as we whisk him off to the hospital by ambulance, it becomes clear that he’s struggling to grasp his identity or recall the events leading up to this moment.

In the hospital, I found myself with an unusual ability – reading minds. As I overheard the thoughts of Rebecca and Jeff, they informed me that my scans were clear, allowing me to leave the hospital. Yet, the amnesia lingers, a frustrating haze that refuses to lift. But it’s not just amnesia troubling me; it’s the absence of my own memories, as I’m no longer William. This is why I can’t remember anything clearly. Despite this, I choose to maintain the facade, pretending to be William for the sake of Rebecca and Jeff.

Upon arriving home, my dog Greg, without missing a beat, starts barking at me, Billy. It struck me oddly that he seemed to sense I wasn’t the usual ‘me’, but rather someone else occupying William’s body. In that instant, I could hear Rebecca and Jeff’s thoughts once more. I headed upstairs, took a look around William’s room, and then stood before the mirror, repeating over and over again, “I am William Kaplan.

The scene shifts forward by three years. In a car, we find Billy with his partner, Eddie. Eddie inquires about the symbolic block Billy often keeps handy, but Billy remains cryptic on the subject. As they exchange a tender kiss, Eddie’s thoughts of expressing his love become apparent to Billy. Suddenly, Billy pulls away from the kiss and confesses that he has something important to share with Eddie. For the past three years, Billy has been masquerading as someone named William, but now he is ready to reveal the truth to his partner.

Billy clarifies to Eddie that he isn’t William Kaplan, as William passed away in the car accident. Yet, Billy himself hasn’t figured out his identity yet. Instead, he only knows that he isn’t William. Curious, Eddie asks Billy about his own identity, which leads Billy to take him back to his house to demonstrate what he has been working on.

Following his homecoming, Billy shares with Eddie the findings of his recent research. Specifically, he’s been delving into an incident involving a red hex that occurred three years prior. He displays online footage of it to Eddie, highlighting runes within the hex in the video. Billy is convinced it’s related to witchcraft, yet none from their town of Westview seem keen on discussing it. However, there’s one exception – an enigmatic individual on Reddit who consents to meet up with Billy in a parking garage the next evening. Intrigued, Eddie opts to accompany Billy on this venture.

As they draw near the enigmatic man in a trench coat within the parking garage, their discovery is that he is none other than Ralph Bohner, who had been pretending to be Wanda’s fictitious brother Pietro from an alternate reality – now going by the name Randall. In due course, Randall clarifies the events of the past when Wanda orchestrated a peculiar, tragicomic narrative for the entire town of Westview. Billy, intrigued, overhears Randall’s inner thoughts. Despite his reluctance, Randall doesn’t want them to inquire about Agatha Harkness, but Billy insists on doing so anyway.

Randall confides in him that Agatha is an old witch who significantly disrupted his life and forced him into doing abhorrent deeds. He further reveals that he had a detrimental impact on the children of Wanda and Vision, Billy and Tommy. Billy, as he begins to grasp his true persona as Billy Maximoff, inquires about the names of the kids, to which Randall responds that one was Billy and the other was Tommy. He casually refers to Tommy as a “little speedster” and hints that Billy possessed mind-reading abilities.

He asks Randall what happened to Wanda, Vision, Billy, and Tommy and Randall tells him that Wanda is dead, Vision was used for parts, and Billy and Tommy just disappeared. Randall believes the twin brothers got sucked up into Wanda’s hex. He then tells Billy that Agatha still lives in Westview and is under some spell. He warns Billy not to visit her, but Billy wants answers so he doesn’t listen to him.

At home, Billy takes a moment to listen to Lorna Wu’s rendition of the Ballad while jotting down observations about Wanda, Vision, Tommy, and himself. Curious about Agatha, he conducts an online search and discovers that she is the sole survivor of the enigmatic Witches’ Road. Upon further investigation, he suspects that this path might hold the key to his long-lost brother, Tommy. As such, Billy intends to locate Agatha within Westview, hoping she can retrace the steps of the Witches’ Road with him. However, before they embark on this journey, he must first free her from the enchantment that binds her.

Now, let’s revisit episode 1’s event where Billy is discovered by Agatha/Agnes at her home, but this time, we experience it from Billy’s perspective. Instead of leading him to the police station as seen earlier, Agatha conducts the interrogation within her own residence. While she’s preoccupied, Billy attempts a spell to free her, which he chants. Agatha demands him to halt before securing his wrists with duct tape and confining him in a closet.

Later on, we revisit the scene from the initial episode where Agatha lets Billy out of the wardrobe and asks him who he is. In the first installment, the symbol kept us from learning his identity. However, in episode 6, we finally get to listen as he reveals himself to be William Kaplan, then confessing that he’s actually Billy Maximoff. Regrettably, Agatha can’t hear him.

The scene transitions to the current time, revealing a mud-soaked Agatha extricating herself from a trap in the mud. On the other hand, Teen perches on a log along the road. He scrutinizes the wooden talisman he holds before shattering it, effectively ending the enchantment. Subsequently, Agatha locates Billy and challenges him. Billy queries about when she discovered his real persona. She replies that she had suspicions regarding who he might be since their initial encounter. Agatha then says, “It’s good to see you once more, Billy,” which confirms the spell’s demise for Billy.

It’s suspected that Lilia and Jen are deceased following Billy trapping them in a mud pit, but the audience knows otherwise as they reappear in the mid-season preview. Initially, Agatha assumes Billy will collaborate with her to complete the remaining trials, but he initially declines. Later, when he comprehends that he can’t fully master his powers, Billy decides to join forces. Moreover, we learn during this sequence that Billy aims to locate his lost brother at the end of the Road, and Agatha has now become aware of this intention. Onward to the next challenge they proceed!

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2024-10-17 19:25

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