Ananda Lewis, former MTV VJ, chronicles her harrowing Stage 4 breast cancer journey

Ananda Lewis, former MTV VJ, chronicles her harrowing Stage 4 breast cancer journey

As a seasoned movie critic with a penchant for unraveling the human spirit through the lens of cinema, I find myself deeply moved by the inspiring and heart-wrenching story of Ananda Lewis’ battle against breast cancer. Her journey is not just another tale of survival, but a testament to resilience, self-discovery, and the unwavering will to thrive.

For approximately six years, former MTV VJ Ananda Lewis has been battling breast cancer using a combination of holistic and conventional treatment methods. Remarkably, some of her tumors are no longer detectable, according to her own statements.

Lewis made this statement during a recent roundtable discussion with CNN’s Stephanie Elam and Sara Sidner, both close friends and fellow breast cancer survivors: “Winning is living longer, according to Lewis. Everyone will eventually leave this world. However, the key and obligation are to live well. My quality of life means a great deal to me. I want to be here, so I had to find a way that suits me.

51-year-old Ananda Lewis, known for her popularity on BET’s “Teen Summit” and hosting “The Ananda Lewis Show” during the early 2000s, discovered a lump in her breast in January 2019. She suspected it had been growing for some time, and at first, she diligently explored alternative treatment methods that temporarily controlled the illness. However, she admitted to becoming complacent, running out of funds, which led to the progression to Stage 4 last year.

In simpler terms, Lewis stated, “There are numerous factors associated with both the subject matter and the statistics when it comes to Black women having a higher risk of dying in this context.

We’ve had apprehensions towards doctors for quite some time now, stemming from a deep-rooted skepticism about the medical field. While we acknowledge this distrust is founded and genuine, we must recognize it has its roots and is valid.

In the United States, aside from skin cancers, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, as reported by the American Cancer Society. Approximately one-third of all new female cancers annually fall into this category. Notably, Black women experience a higher incidence of the disease compared to other racial or ethnic groups. The average age at diagnosis for Black women is 60, which is lower than that of white women (64). Tragically, Black women have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer than any other demographic group.

Ananda Lewis, former MTV VJ, chronicles her harrowing Stage 4 breast cancer journey ×

After finding out about the tumor, Lewis mentioned that her cancer had advanced significantly, leading her traditional oncologists to suggest a double mastectomy. Despite opposition from friends, family, and her physician-sister, Lewis chose to explore alternative treatment options instead.

“Lewis mentioned that he knows others who benefited from surgeries and strong treatments. However, he emphasized that this path is highly personal, and each individual should choose what works best for them. He added that his own body has taught him something significant.

Lewis expressed her intention to independently explore solutions and minimize environmental pollutants, emotional strain, and the various factors linked to cancer’s development. She explained that if we don’t tackle these root causes, any other approaches seem incomplete to her, which is why she opted against conventional breast cancer treatments like surgery or chemotherapy.

Initially, she intended to rid herself of harmful substances excessively accumulated within her body, as she strongly believes that our bodies are inherently wise and skillfully designed. However, instead of removing the tumor surgically, she opted to manage it naturally by devising an alternative approach. This involved cleansing her system, drastically altering her diet, and focusing on healing her emotional wellbeing, particularly her inner landscapes.

As a dedicated cinephile, I diligently jotted down every detail about what I consumed, my emotional state, and even the rhythm of my breaths. This practice led to a much-needed “slowdown” phase that I found incredibly beneficial. However, just as I was fully immersed in this experience, the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, making all my resources inaccessible.

Meanwhile, the tumor kept growing.

Lewis moved to Arizona and combined traditional and organic methods to manage her illness. In 2021, she experienced insulin-enhanced chemotherapy, detoxification, and additional alternative treatments that reduced the cancer to Stage 2. However, she lamented that she “exhausted her funds” as insurance did not cover her comprehensive approach.

When she found it difficult to adhere to the treatment plan given to her, she expressed, “I’ve been trying to return my life to its usual rhythm, but it consumes everything, and I yearn for a semblance of normalcy again.” She added, “Cancer has an unusual tendency to persistently expand.

By October 2023, the scans revealed that the cancer had spread not only along her spine but also to her hips, lymph nodes, and almost every other part of her body except for her brain.

She remarked, “That was the most terrible experience I’ve ever endured.” She went on to explain that after undergoing a bone scan, she experienced the most excruciating pain she had ever known. Additionally, she shared that it was her first encounter with the concept of death, leaving her feeling frustrated and somewhat angry at herself.

With a trembling voice, Lewis explained to Elam and Sidner that due to persistent bone problems, she had broken her hip and was bedridden for approximately eight weeks. Upon reacquiring her health insurance, she resumed her medical care and was now qualified for novel medications.

Lewis mentioned that she’s maintained the “combining aspects” of her therapeutic strategy, which she thinks aids in lessening the adverse effects of certain medications and has significantly reduced her tumors, making some of them untraceable.

51-year-old Sidner learned last year that she had Stage 3 breast cancer. Unlike Lewis, she opted for a more aggressive approach: She vowed to “remove it, chemotherapy it, fight it, send it to burn in hell,” seeking an immediate solution. Even though her cancer was only in one breast, she underwent a double mastectomy.

Sara Sidner discovered something unexpectedly – a tough lesson for her. She realized it wouldn’t happen right away, and this left her upset,” she expressed.

Both these women emphasized the significance of regular self-examinations, understanding one’s own body, and standing up for oneself when necessary.

Elam, referring to Lewis and Sidner as her ‘sisters’ and ‘chosen family’, immersed herself thoroughly in their personal stories, hoping these insights could aid others.

In a heartfelt post on Instagram, I found myself standing by two remarkable individuals as they embarked on their personal battles against breast cancer. Unprepared for this journey, I admittedly struggled to find the right words and actions to offer support. Moreover, my understanding of contemporary cancer treatment was limited at best.

The TV reporter expressed gratitude for their cooperation, as they were open and candid, sharing their experiences freely with the global audience.

Should a single person be inspired to have her mammogram due to our discussion, then it’s a victory. My goal is for everyone to enjoy a life full of health and longevity,” she expressed.

Lewis registered her response in the post’s comments section.

Oh my goodness! This experience has truly been a rollercoaster ride! I’m so grateful for our chat with you, @stephelamtv and @sarasidnertv. Sending heartfelt hopes for the best possible outcomes for everyone bravely battling cancer. Love to each one of you!

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2024-10-17 00:33

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