Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger’s act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he’s glad his late father wasn’t alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

As a seasoned broadcaster myself, I must say I find it both intriguing and disheartening to witness Philip Schofield’s comeback after his tumultuous departure from ITV. His words about the supposed differential treatment based on his sexual orientation echo the age-old debate about societal norms and biases.

Philip Schofield shared an account of how a kind gesture from a stranger played a significant role in lifting his spirits when he was struggling with suicidal feelings.

The disgraced presenter, 62, is making his TV comeback on Channel 5’s Cast Away, which sees him fend for himself for 10 days on a remote island paradise, located off the coast of Madagascar.

As a lifestyle advisor, I recently made my television comeback, marking 16 months since my departure from ITV’s This Morning following my honest admission of an indiscreet, yet legal, relationship with a younger coworker.

During the forthcoming performance, Philip shares his experience of contemplating suicide following a difficult period, and he discusses how an unexpected meeting with a stranger provided him with help.

He explained that he had locked himself away at home while he struggled with his mental health but once his mum grew sick he was forced to leave and visit her at hospital in Cornwall.  

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

Schofield reminisced: “Upon entering the hospital lobby, I encountered a large individual with a robust red complexion, muscular arms, and numerous tattoos. I was searching for the location of the Intensive Care Unit.

In my own words as a lifestyle expert, let me share an unexpected encounter I had recently: “A fellow approached me, referring to himself as ‘Schofield.’ I acknowledged him with a simple ‘yeah.’ As our interaction unfolded, I found myself thinking, ‘Oh dear!’ He then asked if he could give me a hug and I responded, ‘Funnily enough, you can.’ The hug was heartfelt and immense, and he expressed his frustration saying, ‘They’re all terrible, mate. They’re all terrible.’

Last year, I was on the verge of success. All my plans were well-structured, organized, and prepared…

As I found myself in a situation where Molly and Ruby were tending to me, Molly posed a thought-provoking question: “Can you envision the impact on us if you were to successfully execute this plan?

‘And that was just enough, just enough to take a step back from the edge. 

Instead of being hospitalized, I chose not to because I felt I could leave. I considered staying at the hospital, but I decided to return to my family’s house instead, locking the gates behind me. That’s where I remained.

In the end, Schofield found himself stepping out of his home to pay a visit to his mother, and he was delighted by the cordial welcome he got from the unfamiliar person.

Schofield has a close relationship with his beloved mother Pat, 87. 

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

He was also close with his father Brian, who died in 2008 from a heart attack.

Discussing his father during the program, Schofield reminisced: My father was an exceptionally kind and wonderful man. I imagine he would have found it utterly amusing to see himself on that island…

‘He was so kind and so caring and so loving and so generous. My dad was my hero.  

‘A lot’s changed since then. There’s a lot I’m glad he didn’t see.’ 

In the latest sneak peek of the series, Schofield was seen disembarking from a vessel, setting foot on his temporary abode for the following ten days and nine nights. He exclaimed despairingly, “I’ll be entirely isolated for 10 grueling days and nine lonely nights. I hope for divine intervention.

As he gives a friendly wave to the team, he calls out: ‘Thanks, I’ll catch up with you again in 10 days,’ reflecting on how incredible it felt, adding: “Wow, things are starting to feel very real now.

Schofield’s latest series, titled “Cast Away,” is set to be broadcast over a span of three consecutive nights starting on Monday, September 30 and ending on Wednesday, October 2. The show will be divided into three one-hour segments.

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

In a subsequent episode of the program, he seemed to exacerbate tension in his friendship with his previous co-host and close friend Holly Willoughby, following an outburst criticizing ‘the three pitfalls of show business’ in his latest deserted island series.

16 months back, in a passionate outburst, he criticizes the individuals who deceived him following his departure from ITV’s This Morning, after confessing to a relationship with a significantly younger coworker that was unwise, but not against the law.

Schofield seems to attribute his significant decline in status to a group of three ex-colleagues at ITV, stating: “I believe there are only three individuals who aren’t very admirable within the entertainment industry.

In one instance, he accused someone of being a ‘coward during the events of Queuegate,’ whereas in another situation, he labeled another person as a ‘coward for not standing up for me when I was being attacked.’

According to footage from The Sun, Schofield asserts that the third one is more focused on branding, and it’s not the typical or expected experience.

It’s been suggested that Schofield might be indirectly criticizing Willoughby, as he never refers to him in the series at all.

It’s also believed that This Morning’s editor, Martin Frizell, could be the one who is being pointed at by Schofield for allowing him to bear the brunt of ‘Queugate’. This incident occurred when both Schofield and Willoughby were accused of jumping the queue to view the Queen lying in state.

After admitting to a lie about his affair last May, Schofield has chosen not to follow Frizell on social media anymore.

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

Additional subjects might be ITV head Dame Carolyn McCall, who described Schofield’s romantic involvement with a junior employee as being extremely unsuitable.

Moving forward with his focus on those he feels have wronged him, Schofield commented about his once significant television career: “They are well aware of its significance in my life.

According to The Sun, they indicate that only a truly compelling justification can justify abandoning someone in a difficult situation; mere brand or personal ambition won’t suffice.

He went on: ‘People can be fake. They can be so fake with you when it’s all going well, and suddenly utter, utter betrayal.

‘There are a lot of amazing people in morning television.’

In the episode, neither Philip Schofield’s past co-star Willoughby was mentioned, though Ant, Dec, and Joanna Lumley were discussed, with Ant being 48 years old, Dec being 49, and Lumley being 78.

During an unexpected moment, Schofield remarks, “If you push someone in front of a bus, you should have a truly compelling motive for doing so.” This statement might leave viewers pondering whether it was directed at someone else.

I entered the world of television because I have a deep passion for its inner workings, rather than seeking fame. To me, it’s not a priority.

There are aspects I yearn for; truth be told, many of them. Yet, there are pieces I can do without, strongly so. It teaches you much about individuals, but regrettably, that’s one part I could live without.

This week, the former host admitted that he is participating in a survival series, approximately 16 months after departing from “This Morning.

Schofield reportedly declined several lucrative television deals, ultimately deciding to join the cast of Cast Away because he felt it would give him an opportunity to tell his story candidly and truthfully.

On October 23, This Morning’s long-time co-host, Willoughby, bid farewell and departed from the program following 14 years of hosting alongside Schofield.

Reports indicated that she decided to leave due to a change in the show’s dynamics following her co-host’s departure, but it was the rumored “kidnapping and murder plan” that reportedly pushed her over the edge, according to inside sources.

Meanwhile, during the episode Schofield referred to ITV duo Ant and Dec as his ‘best mates’.

It has been speculated that in May, Declan Donnelly attempted to persuade a past host to return to television, following a four-hour meal they shared together.

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

Joanna Lumley also featured, sending him a ‘good luck’ message.

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away
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Following the disclosure by insiders, it’s understood that ITV executives are reportedly upset with Schofield over his assertion that he believes he would have faced less backlash if he had been involved romantically with a woman instead of a man.

The disgraced host commented that he would have received a friendly gesture, if his relationship was not homosexual.

Contrary to some whispers, I can personally vouch that it’s completely off the mark to assume he’d be handled any differently just because it involved a same-sex love story. Inside sources at ITV assure us of their commitment to equality and fairness in every narrative they choose to tell.

During the broadcast, Schofield referred to himself as “Philip Schofield, tarnished by scandal, who was involved in an affair.

He said: ‘Strangely, I think another TV presenter or two might have done exactly the same thing. Difference is heterosexual. It’s not an unusual thing in the gay world for there to be a difference in age groups.’

In a more conventional setting, it wouldn’t be surprising, but if I were in that situation instead of him, and she was a woman, I’d still offer her congratulations and appreciation. Well done!

Schofield expressed remorse, admitting he made mistakes which caused pain to those close to him.

He mentions that it’s unclear what the correct cost should be, and furthermore, it’s uncertain if the amount you are currently paying is always appropriate.

Responding to this claim, a source from the channel asserted: ‘Phil’s statement is foolish and unfounded. Regrettably, Phil has deceived not only his colleagues, superiors, and friends, but also made such claims regardless of whether the subject was male or female.’

It’s suggested that Schofield probably won’t collaborate with the channel anymore, as his indications of being asked to join their reality series, I’m A Celebrity, are not likely to result in a partnership. One insider commented: “He deceived us, it would be extremely challenging.

In the second installment of Cast Away, another scene features Schofield expressing his indifference or lack of concern.

While gathered near a campfire, he expresses: “I know people will criticize me for this, ‘Philip Schofield’s intense outburst [he nods his head]’. However, I no longer worry about it. Frankly, I don’t care. This is my chance to speak up as I prepare to leave.

He describes claims of toxicity on the ITV show as ‘utter b****cks’.

Phillip Schofield reveals how a stranger's act of kindness helped him amid battle with suicidal thoughts and admits he's glad his late father wasn't alive to see his downfall in candid confessions on Cast Away

He mentioned later on that there were some individuals inside who could potentially be quite harmful or unpleasant, he said.

I didn’t realize it was happening because when you’re on television, you’re shielded from such things. People don’t share such details with you, hence my ignorance.

According to Schofield, the ‘toxicity tank’ is almost depleted, having spent a considerable amount of time reflecting on oneself and one’s surroundings over the last few years. In essence, he has scrutinized his thoughts, feelings, and experiences thoroughly.

As Schofield bid farewell to This Morning, she expressed: “It’s been more than a decade of fantastic mornings hosting This Morning alongside Phil. I seize this moment to express my gratitude for his wisdom, expertise, and humor. The couch won’t seem quite the same without him.

Cast Away will air at 9pm on Monday on Channel 5

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2024-09-30 16:10

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