8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

As a seasoned Star Wars enthusiast with memories of watching the original trilogy at the tender age of five, I must say that the latest additions to this galaxy far, far away have been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride of emotions and pure joy!

LEGO adaptations of any franchise never fail to bring a witty charm. In comparison, The LEGO Movie was amusing with its recurring theme “Everything is Awesome,” but I find that The LEGO Batman Movie surpasses its live-action counterparts by humorously acknowledging the comical roots of its title character.

This past weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the entire movie “LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy” in one go, and I have no regrets about it. It reminded me of the memorable Star Wars holiday special where LEGO bricks were involved, and I hold a soft spot for the Halloween special.

Here are the 8 best moments from the latest LEGO Star Wars miniseries.

1. Competitive Clone Troopers

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

It was funny enough to find that the clone troopers were all Admiral Ackbar, but the sound of “It’s a trap!” wasn’t what made me glad to see clones in the series. It was the scene where the clone brothers kept ordering each other to “Stop copying me!” The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch laid bare the eccentricities and individual characteristics of different clones. Still, sibling rivalry is a real thing in Star Wars, and I found this brotherly aggravation between anonymous clones to be a delightful moment. Ackbar makes sense since he’s a tactical genius, but that doesn’t mean every clone out there will be a carbon copy.

2. Dignity for the scruffy-looking

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

Sig and Dev Greebling, the main characters in this tale, are diligent animal caretakers with a strong affection for their livestock. Despite having different methods, they excel at their work. However, they aren’t content to be known as mere simple farmers forever. Being called ‘scruffy-looking nerf-herders’ was once an insult, but it’s heartening to see individuals finding satisfaction in the straightforward and humble life.

3. “I’m your WHAT?!!”

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

It was already amusing to see Darth Vader in his white armor as originally shown in the Star Wars Infinities version of Return of the Jedi. In Rebuild the Galaxy, the unexpected twist is when the big family reveal for Jedi Vader is handled by the Skywalker twins. We don’t see the exact moment when the news was broken, but we can hear the Light Side version of Vader reeling with shock. It all seems to work out since by the time they need to draw on Luke’s family fortune, the family connection is openly discussed. What I like best about this is that it allows Vader to have more of a paternal relationship with Leia than was ever expressed on the second Death Star.

4. The Landolorian

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

I personally think that this is a valid alternate path for Lando Calrissian to be a Mandalorian. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo identifies Lando as a “card player, gambler, scum; you’d like him” to Leia. Lando is meant to be a risk-taker with sometimes questionable approaches to things. So, him giving up his reformed ways to capture people as a dishonest day’s work somehow makes sense. I’m still not sure what I think of Grogu’s sinister appearance at the end, but it was a fun way to end the series. Getting Billy Dee Williams to voice his beloved character was a masterstroke.

5. The Force is with this dude

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

Speaking of voice actors of note, what a joy to hear Mark Hamill cracking wise and getting way too zen about life as a cheating podracer who spends too much time at the Marina Cantina. I loved that Mark got to come back for the sequel trilogy, but I’ve also watched him in a much darker turn in The Fall of the House of Usher, and he is as iconic as the manic voice of the Joker. Luke needing some direction in life and finding it in his family was a fresh way of approaching his hero’s journey.

6. Jedi Bob or whatever you call him

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

22 years ago, it’s hard to fathom that LEGO added an anonymous Jedi Knight to their Republic Gunship set without a name. Yet, the character became popularly known as ‘Jedi Bob’ by fans, and this unnamed figure gained fame. The book, “LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary,” even acknowledges him. Essentially, ‘Jedi Bob’ has become an integral piece of this tale, making one feel for the man who yearns to be recognized by his real name. However endearing it is when his companions affectionately call him Jedi Bob.

7. The craft

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

I openly confess that Star Wars, in part, captivates me due to its diverse fleet of spaceships. On more than one occasion, I’ve excitedly exclaimed “Oh, how beautiful!” in response to a Star Destroyer appearing on screen. Aaron Allston’s book Solo Command particularly appealed to me because of the Millennium Falcon, and I’ve always been intrigued by the Uglies from Roger McBride Allen’s Corellian Trilogy, which are essentially ship combinations. It was a delight to witness a Jawa Sandcrawler perched on AT-AT legs and the Dark Falcon soaring freely in Rebuild the Galaxy. TIE-wings remain my preferred new vessel, but the most imaginative aspect of the series is undoubtedly the Force Builders’ ability to construct spaceships around individuals – a concept reminiscent of both Douglas Adams’ creations and Transformers.

8. The unexpected Darths

8 best parts of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

Darth Jar Jar Binks getting to flex his sinister muscles was fun, but as a huge fan of the Young Jedi Adventures, I wanted more of Darth Nubs. Darth Rose Tico and Darth Rey had moments of genuine intrigue for me. I would have liked to see more discussion of their motivations and natures on the dark side. The writers did discuss this with Gizmodo, but it has to be admitted that there is only so much that you can fit into roughly two hours of starting the canon from scratch. I love that Darth Hammerhead is apologized to because he wasn’t given a proper name.

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2024-09-16 23:51

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