The Ark season 2, episode 9 review, “Cycle of Violence”: What to do about Eva

The Ark season 2, episode 9 review, "Cycle of Violence": What to do about Eva

As a long-time fan of science fiction and a survivor of more than a few heartbreaking storylines myself, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of sorrow for Spencer Lane in this latest episode of The Ark. Having followed his journey since the beginning, it’s hard not to develop a soft spot for him, especially when paired with the strong and resilient Garnet.

In the ninth episode of the second season of “The Ark,” we finally get some insights into Eva’s fate following her discovery that she was an agent of the Eastern Federation.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from The Ark season 2, episode 9, “Cycle of Violence”

In the last episode, we were left hanging with the looming danger of an Eastern Federation vessel exiting faster-than-light travel and targeting an Ark-1 ship with its weapons. The upcoming episode, titled “Cycle of Violence,” delves into resolving this predicament, while also touching upon the ‘Eva’ issue.

The Ark season 2, episode 9 review: The GSA isn’t necessarily all good

It might seem obvious that our side will act justly at all times, but this isn’t a given truth. As Garnet and their comrades grapple with managing the ship, they come to understand that they must involve Eva since she has valuable insights regarding the EF vessels.

Eva openly acknowledges that she and her ex-partner Harris were operatives for the EF, but they didn’t operate like typical spies. Instead, they found a way to board GSA vessels as they felt the EF ships weren’t suitable for space travel. Their primary goal was survival, so they assumed the identities of GSA agents.

As for the lunar expedition, the Exploration Force (EF) could only employ their shuttles. Eva, however, remains unaware of any weaponry aboard the ship. She does, nevertheless, impart some insights about the Governance and Security Agency (GSA). Specifically, she held deep animosity towards several GSA commanders who perished during the initial assault on Ark-1 at the outset of The Ark. This was due to their dubious actions, such as ordering a young recruit on what turned out to be a suicidal mission without giving her a heads up.

The supposedly heroic lunar mission was actually a covert operation by the GSA, with an ulterior motive: development of a weapon capable of causing mass destruction on a scale of billions. The justification was the greater good, but this revelation has left everyone stunned, including Spencer, who discovers that his father wasn’t the hero he believed him to be.

As an enthusiast, I appreciate how The Ark doesn’t shy away from portraying the tough choices those in authority must face. What captivates me even more is its depiction of propaganda as a significant issue. In this narrative, members of the GSA perceive the EF negatively due to the GSA’s own narration, yet it becomes evident that there are indeed three perspectives: the two parties and the truth. This truth often lies somewhere in between, suggesting that life isn’t simply black and white; it’s a complex tapestry of shades.

The Ark season 2, episode 9 review, "Cycle of Violence": What to do about Eva

Garnet tries to negotiate with the Eastern Federation

Initially attempting an escape from the Eastern Federation ship using FTL, Garnet comes to understand that she must converse with the EF Captain instead. The EF is tracing the stolen shuttle, which was used when Ark-1 discovered Eva’s sibling. The Captain demands his man and his shuttle, but Garnet cannot comply since Eva’s brother has already perished.

If Eva is willing to go, that would be acceptable. However, it’s worth noting that despite her dislike for the GSA command, she has grown fond of the people she’s met on Ark-1. Therefore, she’d prefer to stay.

As a gamer, I find myself in a tricky situation here. Strickland and Jelena are making their way towards the EF ship, while the captain and his lieutenant head over to Ark-1. The initial talks aren’t going smoothly, but Garnet steps up to the plate, managing to connect with the captain. If the EF decides to attack Ark-1 and head for Trappas, our home planet, the rest of the GSA is prepared to retaliate by taking down the EF ship. However, this captain seems sincere in his desire to halt senseless violence, and I’m hopeful that we can prove ourselves as peacemakers.

Although the captain is content with the situation, his first officer expresses dissatisfaction. Instead of voicing his discontent openly, he betrays his commander by secretly carrying a knife on board which he uses to stab the captain in the back. Meanwhile, Spencer tries to intervene but pays a heavy price for it; he is stabbed three times in the abdomen and collapses. Garnet and Kimi quickly escort the wounded captain and Spencer to the medical bay.

The Ark season 2, episode 9 review, "Cycle of Violence": What to do about Eva

Is this the end for Spencer Lane on The Ark?

In the second season of “The Ark,” Spencer finds himself grappling with an identity crisis. This specific episode presents him with additional insights from Ian regarding his true father’s identity. Interestingly, it is revealed that Ian identified Spencer’s father as a man who frequently peered into the lab through the window.

Could it be that, after Spencer’s birth, his mother was unable to bear any more children? Might it be that Spencer’s father adopted him as his own son because she couldn’t have children? This scenario appears quite plausible.

Nevertheless, the series seems unlikely to delve deeply into that disclosure. In the infirmary, Kabir unequivocally communicates that Spencer’s life cannot be saved due to the extensive damage to his kidneys and spleen. I had assumed at this juncture that Ian would display a noble act. However, Garnet is left heartbroken as it becomes apparent that Spencer won’t survive. This is a man she cares deeply for, and we had harbored some optimism about their relationship. Interestingly, Ian was designed to function as a donor, which means he could have selflessly offered his kidneys to save his brother.

Instead, Spencer’s body is proposed as a sacrifice. It’s not just Spencer who will perish; the EF captain will meet his end if he doesn’t receive a liver transplant. Given that Spencer is a universal donor, his body can be utilized for this purpose. This moment filled me with despair. Spencer deserved so much more than this tragic fate, and I found myself wishing it was Ian who took the place of the man in front of the knife, receiving the fatal stab instead. Unfortunately, the choice isn’t Spencer’s to make. He won’t find closure for all that he’s experienced over the past episodes. We also won’t get to witness the union between Spencer and Garnet!

Despite the sense of reality and raw emotion that this moment carries, life doesn’t always grant us the desired happy endings. Unforeseen events occur, leaving feelings and conversations unspoken and closure elusive. Although I wish for better outcomes for Spencer as a character, sparing his life might seem forced or inauthentic. TV shows should be prepared to jeopardize their main characters’ lives, and The Ark has bravely taken this step with this plotline.

The final scene shows the Eastern Federation ship preparing to execute either Strickland or Jelena. Eva attempts to reach out to the lieutenant, who she has known for many years, but it’s of no avail. If the captain doesn’t survive the operation, we’ll be bidding farewell to another crew member on Ark-1. Following Spencer’s demise, I can’t predict where the series will head next.

Kelly needs all her nanites to heal her

Meanwhile, Angus experiences vivid dreams of Kelly even when he’s awake, leading him to visit her in the Medical Bay where she was taken after fainting at the conclusion of the last episode. Perplexed by why Kelly’s nanites aren’t restoring her health, Marsh and Kabir find an explanation upon Angus’ arrival.

It was discovered that some of Kelly’s nanites had inadvertently been transferred to Angus during the blood transfusion, leading to his unusually quick healing. Now, as expected, these nanites have resurfaced. Interestingly, these tiny machines seem to be communicating with one another, and it appears that Kelly can’t fully recover until all her nanites return to her system.

In a surprising turn of events, as Angus seemed about to touch lips with Kelly, her body absorbed the nanites once more, astonishingly restoring her to perfect health. Regrettably, this advanced tech doesn’t seem applicable in healing Captain EF or Spencer.

The episode ends with Garnet getting ready to say goodbye to Spencer. I just hope there’s a way in the next episode to reverse all this. I’m not ready for Spencer Lane to die in The Ark.

The Ark airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on Syfy.

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2024-09-12 06:41

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