Kyle Sandilands blasts ‘woke’ police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby… after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

As a seasoned detective with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this case is one of the most gut-wrenching and infuriating ones I’ve ever encountered. The sheer cowardice displayed by this man in attacking a defenseless mother and her child is beyond comprehension.

KIIS FM radio host Kyle Sandilands has slammed the police description of a man accused of throwing coffee over a nine-month-old baby at a Brisbane park.

On August 27, around noon, baby Luka was enjoying a picnic with his mom in Hanlon Park, located in the inner southeast area of Brisbane. At that time, it’s said that a man approached them and spilled a thermos filled with hot coffee onto the infant before quickly leaving the scene.

Queensland police have identified the foreign national, but he has since fled overseas. 

On the Kyle & Jackie O show on Tuesday, Kyle criticized the unspecific and trendy characterization that officials used to describe the man they had reported as being somewhere between his 30s and 40s, having an average build, and having tanned skin.

The talk show host on the radio, who’s 53 years old, proposed employing more distinct traits so that people could potentially recognize the suspected offender.

Kyle expressed anger as he asked, “Why is there a search underway in Brisbane for this Chinese man, who poured scalding water onto an infant, coming close to causing severe burns?

‘No one said that you’re looking for an Asian man, they just said “the man fled the scene”!

‘If there’s a manhunt on, give us the description for Christ’s sake.’

Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

Kyle pointed out that people listening to the radio alone couldn’t recognize the man, as they’d only have a verbal description to go by.

It’s crucial to recognize this – in the midst of a manhunt, it seems absurdly irrational for our society not to describe the suspect’s physical characteristics clearly, such as their race, height, or build. It’s simply preposterous.

The baby suffered life-threatening burns to his face, upper body and arms and has undergone four operations in Queensland Children’s Hospital.

Last week, Queensland Police expressed concerns that the individual might have departed the country or even traveled to another state, but they verified on Monday that he had indeed left the country.

On August 28, the individual aged 33 years old was situated in New South Wales. Exactly twelve hours prior to the police confirming his identity on August 31, he departed from Sydney Airport using his personal passport alone.

An arrest warrant was later secured due to charges of causing serious physical injury, a crime that could potentially lead to a lifetime imprisonment.

Detective Inspector Paul Dalton, referring to the event as a brutal, seemingly motivationless assault, stated that the suspect showed knowledge of police tactics and had engaged in covert monitoring operations.

He shared with reporters that this investigation, which he has been part of and led, is likely one of the most intricate and occasionally perplexing ones he’s encountered.

Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified
Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

Baby’s Luka’s mother and father said they were ‘devastated’ to hear the man had fled.

She told ABC, “It seems they nearly had him, suggesting it might be an extended period before we obtain justice for our son. After all.

‘So it’s a bit heartbreaking.’

The woman, preferring to remain unidentified, shared that she has been feeling anxious or apprehensive since the incident occurred, and finds it difficult to step away from the hospital as it now serves as a sanctuary for her family.

In the course of coming home each day, I’ve been grappling with bouts of intense fear, often manifesting as panic attacks. Though I find solace in knowing he’s not within these borders, a sense of apprehension and anxiety remains ever-present whenever I venture out with my son.

‘It’s affected my mental health for the rest of my life.’

Detective Inspector Dalton mentioned the man seemed to understand our (the police) tactics for locating individuals, and he noted that initial confusion about the suspect’s identity had hindered the officers’ investigations.

He stated, “We couldn’t identify the person in the CCTV footage until the 1st of September.

Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

‘Even at that stage, we probably didn’t have enough evidence to obtain a warrant.

After visiting both New South Wales and Victoria, we managed to collect the necessary information. A warrant for this purpose has now been approved.

Detective Inspector Dalton mentioned he’d figured out the nation where the man had taken refuge, yet due to the ongoing probe, he wasn’t at liberty to disclose such details just yet.

He said the man had been in and out of Australia since 2019 and had been ‘lawful’ each time.

Detective Inspector Dalton stated, “We couldn’t discover any negative records about him in Australia.

I was informed that the individual was within the nation under a visa, yet his residences were scattered along the eastern coastline, excluding Queensland.

Previously, the suspect was a transient laborer in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. Law enforcement officials have spoken with several of his past coworkers.

Detective Inspector Dalton said the attack was the ‘most cowardly’ he had witnessed in his career.

He mentioned that there was a young mom along with her infant, both seated on the ground, and it seemed like you were moving towards them from behind.

Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified
Kyle Sandilands blasts 'woke' police description of man who threw hot coffee over nine-month-old baby... after suspect flees the country hours before being identified

Oh my goodness, could there be anything more exposed than that? And to exploit that weakness? I’d have to agree, it’s among the most appalling things I’ve encountered.” (First-person perspective as an emotionally invested observer)

Detective Inspector Dalton vowed that he would not stop until the man is caught.

He stated that his team of thirty investigators is deeply disheartened, having narrowly missed apprehending someone by a span of twelve hours.

‘I think only the family would be more upset about that.’

Detective Inspector Dalton encouraged anyone with any information to come forward. 

With this individual having left Australia, some people might now feel comfortable reporting information to the authorities.

‘I encourage them to do that. There’ll be no judgement on you whatsoever.’

The man is described as being in his 30s or 40s and of a proportionate build with tanned skin.

He was wearing a black hat, glasses, a shirt and shorts at the time of the attack. 

After the assault, authorities traced his whereabouts to the Tarragindi neighborhood in south Brisbane, identifying a church where he switched his attire as his next location.

After hailing a ride-share vehicle, I navigated my way into the heart of Brisbane city. From there, my journey led me to bustling Caxton Street, where the investigation’s leads seemed to vanish.

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2024-09-10 06:19

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