All Black Myth: Wukong Bosses – Best Tactics to Win

All Black Myth: Wukong Bosses - Best Tactics to Win 

After countless hours spent traversing the treacherous lands of Xiucai, I finally found myself standing before the final boss of this arduous chapter. My journey was filled with trials and tribulations, but nothing could prepare me for the formidable foes that awaited me in the Black Wind Cave.

Title Guide: Mastering Tough Foes in Black Myth: Wukong – A Souls-Like Adventure

Chapter 1. Erlan – Sacred Deity

  • Location: Tutorial boss in the prologue
  • Difficulty: 0

1. In this tutorial, the guide will show you which keys to push. Since the Monkey King has unlimited health, you can’t possibly lose the battle. (Paraphrased from your original sentences)

Reward: none.

Guardian Bull

  • Location: Wolf Forest, Near Hills
  • Difficulty: 1

You’ll encounter your initial significant challenge along the path. Luckily, overcoming him isn’t overly challenging once you grasp his predictable behavioral patterns. The bull packs quite a punch, but he reacts sluggishly and generally moves at a snail’s pace. This is an advantage that should not be overlooked.

As a gamer, I’ve got a tip: The Bull can be temporarily staggered by powerful blows, creating an opportunity for quick, light attack combos. Remember to keep your health up too, as healing will always prove useful. Once the boss’s health dips to half, a scene will play out, followed by you learning your first spell “Immobilize”. Utilize this spell, then stick to light attacks to swiftly wrap up the fight.

Reward: 394 Will, 2 Yarn.

Guan Zhi

  • Location: Wolf Forest, Forest (outside)
  • Difficulty: 5

To reach the boss may not be immediately clear, nor is it crucial for the main plot. However, vanquishing Guan-zhi will grant your initial transformation, which will significantly facilitate future endeavors. From the marked fast travel point, proceed across the bridge and continue a bit more until you spot torches guiding the way to the arena.

The boss carries a flaming, two-sided stick that poses danger. Each avoided strike builds up its intensity. If it reaches maximum level, the main character’s health will diminish. To extinguish the fire, evade three to four times.

In a fight, it’s crucial to be patient and avoid impulsive actions that could lead to trouble. As the wolf executes its series of attacks, it’s best to stay put rather than moving closer. Be wary of sudden charges from the boss, as they can significantly close the distance quickly. Always remember to utilize “Immobilize” when it’s an option. While flawless dodging isn’t essential, pay attention to the distance so you don’t miss your opportunity to dodge an attack.

As a fellow adventurer, if I sense a dip in my vitality, I like to seek out new lands and challenge myself to grow stronger. There’s always time to take on the boss again later. For triumphing, you’ll be rewarded with his form and the ability to transform temporarily into an imposing wolf wielding a fiery staff.

Reward: 567 Will, 1 Stone Spirit.

Wandering Dead

  • Location: Wolf Forest, Forest (outside)
  • Difficulty: 3

As a gamer, I’ve come across this towering foe that’s hard to miss due to its imposing size. It blocks my path towards the main goal, but there’s no rush to take it down immediately. I can always return later when I’m better prepared. This undead creature isn’t the toughest boss fight, but it has a few sneaky moves that could easily waste your time. A crucial tip is to vanquish this undead before engaging with the formidable Elder Jin-chi in battle.

To conquer the undead, initiate combat with a powerful strike, swiftly follow it up by pinning them down. Your energy should sustain around three consecutive combo attacks. Following each, the undead will be stunned and will not retaliate. Even as the spell diminishes, persist in attacking until your energy depletes. Directly afterward, trigger your transformation. If it’s not effective, the battle may prolong indefinitely. Post-transformation, deliver heavy blows, then maintain a safe distance until the pinning spell regenerates. Utilize trees or rocks as barriers when possible.

In simpler terms, when the undead boss strikes, it can be dangerous whether it’s using its legs or hands. However, the scariest move is when it pounds the ground and creates a protective stone barrier around itself. In such a situation, quickly find cover behind an obstacle to avoid being hit by the stones that get hurled out. Be aware that there will be two more similar attacks, each covering a larger area. The final attack involves the boss blowing a powerful gust of wind towards the hero. This last move can cause heavy damage and it’s homing, meaning it follows the hero. To survive, always stand behind a tree or a rock during this final attack. However, trees won’t protect you from the first three attacks.

As a devoted fan,

Lin Xu-tzu

  • Location: Wolf Forest, Guanyin Temple
  • Difficulty: 4

1. This boss was the first to have a narrative-driven storyline, though it wasn’t the most challenging. Similar enemies like wolves or undead could pose significantly more difficulties. The boss is a colossal white wolf, primarily attacking using its paws, and occasionally with its mouth.

Kick off the battle by pinning down the boss and swiftly launch a series of attacks. Next, aim to get behind the boss since he doesn’t assault from that direction, making it relatively secure. The boss has two discomforting moves. One is when he flips onto his back, spins, and swings his paws. The second is when the wolf leaps from the temple roof. This attack begins slowly, so you can ready yourself. To dodge harm, don’t flee from the wolf, but rather move as close to it as possible. When the boss jumps, his arc will be higher than your character’s standing position, causing the attack to miss.

In this battle, you’ll undoubtedly need to recover your health, so keep in mind a crucial moment. As the Chosen One takes a swig from his bottle, he becomes utterly vulnerable. It’s smarter to reduce your health significantly and then replenish it all at once on two occasions, rather than just one. This strategy could save your life multiple times.

1. Evade wide swipes by moving to the sides, but leap away when it’s about to lunge at you. It may not come too close, but it can cover a lot of ground quickly, so try to create some space.

Reward: 754 Will, Gray Wolf Mask (headgear), 3 threads, Mind Core (material).


  • Location: Bamboo Grove, Snake Path
  • Difficulty: 2

An optional, troublesome-free frog leader awaits you, but he’s not easy to find. To locate him, stick to the left side of the shrine and leap into a nearby pond. Once you emerge, expect a vast arena where hostile smaller frogs will attack immediately. It’s best to deal with them swiftly, as they can make the ensuing battle more challenging if left unchecked. If you aim to gather all spirits, you can engage him in combat. For success, you’ll be rewarded by transforming into this very frog for victory.

Reward: 384 Will, 1 Stone Spirit, Tadpole (material).


  • Location: Bamboo Grove, Snake Path
  • Difficulty: 3

A tough opponent who will be much weaker if you have the transformation. You can find him if you jump from the shrine to the lower area where you killed the frog, but go right into the grove with snake skeletons. Keep to the right and you will find a passage to the arena. Guan-mou is a plot enemy, so you will not miss the fight in any case.

This is the first mage on your way, who casts various spells from a distance. The first is bluish spheres that will smoothly fly towards you, the second is sharp aimed shots of magic, the third is a swarm of flies that slowly approaches and deals damage for some time and the fourth is snakes from the ground that spit poison. The boss himself regularly teleports around the arena, so you still need to catch him to attack.

1. Initiate the battle with a powerful onslaught, follow it up by immobilizing Guan-mou and executing a series of light attacks. Next, morph into a fiery form to unleash intense flames during heavy assaults. A notable advantage of heavy attacks is that they swiftly propel you towards your foe, regardless of the gap between you. Upon seeing the snakes emerge, divert your attention from the boss and strike their heads instead. To secure victory, transform into Guan-mou to summon those very serpents as allies.

Reward: 528 Will, 1 Stone Spirit, Iron Bull’s Blood (material).

Xiucai in white clothes

  • Location: Bamboo Grove, White Mist Marshes
  • Difficulty: 6

This boss you’ll encounter is quite formidable, offering a significant challenge. It’s the initial adversary sporting a dual health meter and two distinct combat stages. To prevail, you’ll need to employ all the knowledge you’ve accumulated thus far. The battle commences with Xiucai charging forward with his spear, while simultaneously jumping. To dodge immediate damage, move forward and slightly to the side. The entire first phase is essentially a race to defeat this foe swiftly without depleting your health packs.

As soon as I evade an attack, I must quickly lock down my foe. I’ll unleash a flurry of strikes, but be cautious as the boss won’t be stunned. Immediately following my escape from his freeze, he’ll counterattack. Circular attacks are generally safe to dodge, but keep an eye out for direct ones – they can abruptly end my combo and potentially defeat me. The boss also possesses another move that could derail my entire strategy.

Following the initial freeze, swiftly initiate the transformation and strike powerfully without relying on spells excessively. Aim for a situation where, in the opening phase, you’d only consume a single healing potion at most.

In the next stage, a new tactic will be necessary. The boss will adapt by growing a tail resembling a snake, allowing him to move swiftly, even underwater. Most of his attacks are ineffective, but one stands out – a sudden charge across the entire arena. To counter this, you should not keep your distance, but rather get as close as possible. As experience has shown, during this lunge, it becomes less effective. Your primary objective is to endure the boss’s other attacks while dealing damage. First-aid kits will be crucial in these situations. It might take several tries to grasp our suggestions and master the timing, but eventually, this strategy will prove almost indispensable. Moreover, we recommend revisiting the grove of snakes to level up a few times. To ensure success, focus on enhancing talents that boost your endurance and health to the maximum. Other enhancements may not be necessary as you won’t have time for heavy attacks, and dodging will be more important than ever, but done sparingly.

Reward: 687 Will, 3 Threads, Jade Fang (material).

Venerable Elder Jin-chi

  • Location: Hidden Place: Old Temple, Main Hall
  • Difficulty: 3

This is a hidden boss that you may not be able to reach. However, it is worth defeating, as you will receive a very useful artifact. As you progress, you may have found two bells. You can hit them with a ram. After defeating Xiucai, go straight ahead instead of to the right. You will see a tree with a hanged man and several weak enemies. A little further on, there will be the last third bell. As soon as you ring it, immediately move to a hidden location. There is equipment here – it will come in handy.

The Elder is an upgraded version of the Wandering Wight. However, in some ways, it is a bit easier. There are many walking dead around the Elder. They will not attack on their own, so do not pay attention. Freeze the Elder immediately, but you will not be able to stun him over and over again. Perform a combo that works. The boss will start chasing you. His attacks are slow, but they hit hard enough. Dodge and wait for the moment to transform to attack with fire.

At a certain point, the elderly one might behave unusually. In this scenario, the followers will begin emitting a yellow glow and charging towards you. If you pause, a blast will be directed at you, so it’s best to flee immediately. Maintain visual contact with the leader, as he often initiates an attack before the suicide bombers stop rushing towards you.

The strategy here involves the boss being positioned above the playing field, with underlings advancing toward him in stages. When these underlings approach closely, they transfer their vital energy to the boss. A key tactic is to take out all opponents before they can get too near.

Following these dance-like sequences, the cycle shall resume once more. It’s essential to remain patient and let the magical energies replenish at their own pace. In return for your patience, you’ll be bestowed with the Fire Cape – an item offering full immunity against the fiery elements. Remember, when you find yourself back in your world, don’t forget to retrieve this cape from the hanging man.

Reward: 2000 Will.

King of the Black Wind

  • Location: Black Wind Cave (inside)
  • Difficulty: 4

To put it simply, my friend, the challenge of squaring off against the Black Wind King greatly hinges on where you stand in your journey. If you’ve invested a considerable amount of time mastering the art of Xiucai and have climbed up the ranks, then the Black Wind King might appear less formidable than he truly is.

The Tsar wields a spear, launching assaults in sets of three, making it relatively simple to evade. However, he possesses just one health meter. On the other hand, the boss employs both fire and wind spells, which are straightforward to perceive.

1. When the manager is absent, he acts evasively. If the Tsar takes a swig from a bottle, expect him to unleash flames. Maintain a safe distance or his attack might miss its mark (which happened to us). The battle strategy remains consistent – freeze him and strike with all your might. The rest of the time, manage the situation wisely.

Be cautious of a powerful gust happening right in the middle of the battlefield. It’s best to keep your distance during those instances. Also, towards the end of the fight, the boss might appear to teleport and attack from various spots. In this case, it’s advisable to dodge and wait it out. Once that sequence ends, the Tsar becomes susceptible to light attacks. After successfully defeating the boss, you will acquire the spell for invisibility.

Reward: 696 Will, 1 Stone Spirit.

Black bear-guai

  • Location: Black Wind Cave, Bodhi Peak
  • Difficulty: 5

As I’ve reached the concluding foe of this initial chapter, I must admit, on paper, he’s touted as the mightiest among his predecessors. However, to my experience, he felt no stronger than the Black Wind’s Monarch. In combat, it’s not so much the mastery of skills that matters, but rather the art of perfectly timed evasions. The rest is just a question of endurance and patience.

The bear launches a series of powerful swipes using its paws, roughly three in succession. Furthermore, it leaps onto the protagonist’s location and increases its speed dramatically. Generally speaking, this isn’t much to worry about. However, things will escalate as the battle progresses, particularly when the boss ignites the ground, turning it into lava. To shield yourself from the flames, use your cloak. Additionally, the bear’s paws will catch fire and a new attack will be introduced when the boss, similar to a king, vanishes and circles the arena like a whirlwind of fire.

The strategies for triumphing aren’t drastically changed compared to before. Essentially, immobilize your opponents first, followed by light assaults. Subsequently, utilize transformations, and then persist in this pattern until victory. Success relies on whether you have sufficient health reserves and the forcefulness of your strikes. It’s crucial to create the final piece of armor from the remaining materials, as it will make the combat less taxing.

Reward: 990 Will, 1 Flame Ebongo, 5 Yarn, 2 Silk, 1 Yaoguai Core, 1 Stone Spirit, 1 Mind Core.

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2024-08-26 16:48

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