Harry Potter: Every member of the Order of the Phoenix, ranked best to worst

Harry Potter: Every member of the Order of the Phoenix, ranked best to worst

I’ve had the privilege of getting to know some truly remarkable individuals throughout my time with the Order of the Phoenix. Each one of these people brought unique skills and experiences to our fight against the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters.

In the richly detailed world of Harry Potter, you’ll find an abundance of entertaining and intriguing characters, with a significant number of them belonging to the Order of the Phoenix.

As a dedicated gamer immersed in the magical world of Harry Potter, I’ve come across The Order – a clandestine group with an intriguing history that lends its name to the fifth book/movie. Founded by none other than the legendary Albus Dumbledore himself, this society was established to counteract Lord Voldemort’s ominous ascent to power.

In the ’90s, when Voldemort made his chilling comeback and wielded full power during my fourth year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore rallied us all once again. With Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, stubbornly denying the obvious, it was the Order of the Phoenix who stood by my side as our main allies in the grueling Second Wizarding War. Many brave members of this order paid the ultimate price to ensure Voldemort’s downfall.

With this understood, I’d be happy to list all members of the Order of the Phoenix from Harry Potter’s series who were part of the second wizarding war.

1. Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore, considered by many as the most powerful wizard ever and the one whom Voldemort feared most, was the founder of the Order. However, Dumbledore couldn’t wage wars or navigate politics single-handedly. So, he rallied numerous witches and wizards, whom he trusted, to assist him in gathering intel, shielding vital individuals, and ultimately sacrificing themselves to thwart Voldemort’s conquest of the magical realm.

Dumbledore’s achievements are numerous, but founding a secret society is arguably among his most significant actions during his 115-year-long life. One of Dumbledore’s bravest feats was when he led several Order members into the Department of Mysteries to protect Harry and his companions from Death Eaters. In the story, Dumbledore singlehandedly apprehended every Death Eater except for Bellatrix Lestrange, who had killed Sirius Black and escaped. Subsequently, Dumbledore confronted Voldemort in an awe-inspiring battle and exposed his resurrection to the Ministry.

Dumbledore guided the Order until his passing in 1997, caused by Severus Snape. Despite Dumbledore’s demise, the Order persisted and upheld his values until Voldemort was finally defeated by Harry Potter in the Battle of Hogwarts.

2. Alastor ‘Mad-eye’ Moody

Alastor “Mad-eye” Moody is undeniably an impressive character in the Harry Potter series. He was a highly respected and trusted ally of Dumbledore, renowned for his exceptional abilities as a dark wizard apprehender. In the magical world, he was known as one of the most capable wizards.

He is recognized for his rough exterior, unceasing watchfulness, and unique magical eye, which penetrates objects and identifies dishonesty. Moody’s eye embodies his perpetual caution, mirroring his tumultuous past marked by confrontations with malevolent sorcerers, leaving him with deep wounds, both literal and emotional.

In the fourth book’s latter stages, it is disclosed that Moody, who had previously made an entrance, was actually a fake. The authentic Moody is liberated and joins the revamped Order of the Phoenix as Dumbledore’s right-hand man. With his expertise and abilities, he becomes a reliable associate to Harry Potter and their companions. In various confrontations against Voldemort’s troops, Moody bravely engages and remains steadfast in his dedication to the cause.

Sadly, Moody’s life is taken in the Battle of the Seven Potters from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” as he bravely lays down his life to shield Harry.

3. Severus Snape

In the captivating world of “Harry Potter,” Severus Snape stands out as a multifaceted and puzzling figure. Initially presented as Hogwarts’ grim Potions Master, Snape’s unyielding persona and disciplinary approach contrasted sharply with the more amicable professors. Yet, throughout most of the series, the depths of his loyalty and reasons for acting remain hidden, leaving readers in awe when the later revelations in the final books challenge their perceptions and spark profound reflection.

In the course of the novels, Snape’s backstory unfolds bit by bit: we discover his troubled upbringing, his deep-seated longing for Harry’s mother Lily, and his connection to the Death Eaters. The complex dynamics between Snape and Harry are rooted in Snape’s animosity towards Harry’s father, James Potter, and his remorse over unwittingly guiding Voldemort to the Potters’.

Although Snape initially seemed hostile toward Harry and his companions, it was later discovered that he played a pivotal role in opposing Voldemort. He secretly supplied important intelligence to Dumbledore, operating as a covert agent within Voldemort’s circle. Snape’s devotion to Dumbledore was eventually unveiled when he obeyed Dumbledore’s instructions and terminated the headmaster, thereby solidifying his portrayal as a tragic hero in the story.

In “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” the reasons behind Snape’s actions and self-sacrifices are disclosed through a collection of memories shown to us by Dumbledore using the Pensieve. We learn that Snape’s deep affection for Lily Potter was the catalyst for his decisions, as he swore to shield her son, Harry, from harm at any cost. The emotional scene of Snape’s demise at the jaws of Voldemort’s serpent, Nagini, serves as a poignant reminder of his transformation and heroic act.

4. Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin is a cherished figure for his gentle disposition, profound insights, and personal hardships as a werewolf. Making his debut in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” Lupin assumes the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts. During their third academic year, he develops strong connections with Harry Potter and his companions.

Lupin’s gentle and understanding approach to teaching garners appreciation from his pupils, even amidst the biases they harbor towards him being a werewolf. His personal battles with lycanthropy symbolically represent the experiences of marginalized groups and infuse his character with complexity, emphasizing messages of inclusion and compassion.

In the course of the storyline, Remus Lupin proves to be an essential figure in the Order of the Phoenix. He joins forces with Harry and his companions in various battles against Voldemort’s followers, showcasing his courage and dedication. A major aspect of Lupin’s narrative centers around his connection to Harry’s parents, James and Lily Potter. During their Hogwarts days, they were inseparable friends. In order for Lupin not to transform into a werewolf alone, James, Sirius, and Peter Pettigrew learned the art of Animagus transformation. Lupin’s deep-seated regret over being unable to save the Potters amplifies his character depth and drives him to shield Harry with unwavering commitment.

Sadly, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks perish together at the Battle of Hogwarts as depicted in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” Their deaths are poignant reminders of the immense bravery shown by those resisting Voldemort’s oppressive regime. Just prior to their passing, Tonks welcomed the birth of their son Teddy, who holds a special connection to Harry as his godfather.

Despite having a sad backstory, Lupin played a crucial role in guiding Harry and his companions. His dedication to Harry, Dumbledore, and the Order was unwavering.

5. Sirius Black

In “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” Sirius is first introduced as a supposedly dangerous criminal who allegedly betrayed Harry Potter’s parents to the evil sorcerer Lord Voldemort.

As the story unfolds, it comes to light that Sirius was not guilty of the crimes he was blamed for. Instead, it was Peter Pettigrew, a former friend and fellow Marauder, who orchestrated Sirius’ false accusation to evade capture himself. The unjust 12-year confinement of Sirius in Azkaban left a deep mark on his mental health. Yet, this experience also ignited his resolve to right the wrongs and safeguard Harry.

In the story, Sirius plays an essential role by acting as both a father figure and mentor to Harry. Their bond develops profoundly in a short period, with Sirius offering Harry valuable advice, comfort, and acceptance. This relationship gives Harry a link to his past and parents. Furthermore, Sirius allows Dumbledore to use his house at 12 Grimmauld Place as the Order of the Phoenix’s headquarters.

I was deeply saddened to witness Sirius’s life come to an untimely end during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” In that fateful moment, he plunged through the veil in the Death Chamber as he bravely fought against his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Sirius’s demise left Harry and our friends heartbroken, but his memory continues to inspire us with his unwavering courage, loyalty, and the profound impact of love.

6. Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall, serving as both Deputy Headmistress and Transfiguration instructor at Hogwarts, significantly influences Harry Potter and their fellow students’ journeys.

McGonagall is known for her disciplined attitude, unwavering commitment to preserving Hogwarts’ customs, and strong moral principles. Although she comes across as stern, she is a just and caring instructor who values her students’ welfare and academic growth deeply. Her proficiency in Transfiguration, a complex subject taught at Hogwarts, makes her an esteemed figure among her colleagues and pupils.

In the course of the Harry Potter series, McGonagall emerges as a powerful supporter in the battle against Voldemort and his supporters. Her role is pivotal during the Battle of Hogwarts described in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”

The memorable clash between her and Severus Snape, who appeared to have turned against the Order by joining forces with Voldemort, is an impressive scene showcasing her powerful magical skills and unwavering commitment to Hogwarts and its principles.

At Hogwarts, McGonagall stands firm as a guiding force for countless young witches and wizards. Her persona encapsulates the essence of fortitude, tenacity, and an unyielding commitment to upholding justice. As a result, she is deeply etched in the hearts of fans as one of the most cherished characters from the stories. Following the conclusion of the series, McGonagall assumes the role of headmistress at Hogwarts, taking over from Dumbledore and Snape.

7. Kingsley Shacklebolt

As a gamer, I can say that in the magical world of Harry Potter, I, Kingsley Shacklebolt, join the scene in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” Working as an Auror within the Ministry of Magic, I use my insider knowledge to feed valuable information to the Order. My impressive magical skills and sharp intellect make me a precious addition to their cause against Voldemort’s wicked plans.

In “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” after Voldemort’s downfall, Shacklebolt’s strong leadership skills and moral principles are highlighted when he is named Magic Ministry’s new leader. As Minister, he dedicates himself wholeheartedly to rebuilding the magical community and fostering harmony among its inhabitants.

In the course of the show, Shacklebolt comes across as a tranquil and collected character who keeps his cool even when dealing with perilous situations. His unwavering commitment to fairness and readiness to defend righteousness earn him admiration from both wizards and non-magical people.

8. and 9. Arthur & Molly Weasly

The Weasley family, represented by Arthur and Molly, is renowned for their kindness, hospitality, and creating a nurturing home atmosphere. With seven children such as Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George under their roof, the Weasleys are more than happy to welcome Harry when they can, serving as his substitute parents throughout the tale.

Arthur Weasley is presented as a caring and quirky wizard, filled with enthusiasm for ordinary items used by non-magical people, commonly known as Muggles, and an insatiable curiosity towards the non-enchanted world. He holds a position in the Ministry of Magic’s Office for the Regulation and Control of Muggle Artifacts, despite the meager compensation and lack of recognition. Arthur’s fascination with Muggle inventions frequently results in amusing predicaments but also demonstrates his inclusive nature, welcoming both magical and non-magical beings alike.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but admire Molly Weasley’s role in the Weasley family. I feel privileged to be part of her circle and witness her selfless love in action. She is the matriarch of our beloved clan, renowned for her unwavering protection and tender nurturing. Her abilities as a skilled witch extend beyond the confines of our cozy home, managing daily life while offering emotional solace to her cherished ones.

Arthur and Molly collaborate to make their house a cozy and inviting place for their kids and anyone seeking refuge. Regardless of their financial constraints, they value family deeply, instilling in their children the significance of love, devotion, and perseverance. The Burrow functions as a safe haven not just for Harry Potter but also for other Order of the Phoenix members, solidifying Arthur and Molly’s crucial role within the group.

In the course of the storyline, Arthur and Molly significantly contribute to the resistance against Voldemort and his supporters. They encourage their children’s participation in Dumbledore’s Army and the Order of the Phoenix, all while dealing with their own hardships and perils.

10. Rubeus Hagrid

With one side being giant and the other human, Hagrid stands out for his colossal stature, impressive strength, and immense compassion. Unfortunately, during his third year at Hogwarts, he was unjustly blamed for putting students in danger with a dangerous creature. Despite this misfortune, Albus Dumbledore granted him permission to remain at the school and work.

Hagrid is deeply devoted to Dumbledore and an enduring friend to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He plays a pivotal role in introducing Harry to the wizarding world and remains a constant companion throughout the stories. Hagrid harbors a strong attachment towards magical creatures and frequently takes in and nurtures those that are perceived as dangerous, such as his beloved pets Norbert the dragon and Aragog the giant spider.

Though known for his kind-hearted demeanor, Hagrid took part in numerous battles during the Second Wizarding War. Following Dumbledore’s demise in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Hagrid carried his friend’s body to be laid to rest. In the Battle of the Seven Potters, Hagrid joined forces with Harry on his modified motorbike, ensuring Harry’s safety. At the Battle of Hogwarts, Hagrid and his half-giant brother Grawp fought side by side. Heartbreakingly, Hagrid was compelled to witness Harry make the ultimate sacrifice. The loyalty and courage of Hagrid’s animals – Buckbeak, Thestrals, and Centaurs – were invaluable during these battles, underscoring Hagrid’s deep bond with creatures.

Harry Potter: Every member of the Order of the Phoenix, ranked best to worst

11. 12. and 13. Harry, Ron and Hermione

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are the main characters in the “Harry Potter” series, and their adventures take primary focus within “Order of the Phoenix.” Their friendship develops during their first year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, where they eventually grow close.

After Harry’s fourth year, Dumbledore revives the Order with the main objectives being Harry’s protection and the defeat of Voldemort. Throughout the ensuing conflict, Ron and Hermione stand by Harry’s side. Once it’s clear that destroying Voldemort’s seven horcruxes is necessary to win, Ron and Hermione quickly join Harry on this crucial mission.

In the Battle of Hogwarts, the trio joined forces with the last remaining Order members to ultimately prevail against Voldemort and his followers.

11. Bill Weasley

Bill Weasley is the firstborn child of Arthur and Molly Weasley. A product of Hogwarts School, he was placed in Gryffindor Dormitory and thrived academically, eventually assuming the role of Head Boy. Post-graduation, he found employment with Gringotts Magical Bank as a Curse Breaker, stationed in Egypt.

Bill is known for his boldness, courage, and devotion to his loved ones. He journeys back to Britain to support the Order of the Phoenix in their battle against Voldemort. Bill’s unique features, including long hair and an earring, mirror his unconventional and daring disposition. Defying his family’s initial objections, Bill marries Fleur Delacour, a part-Veela witch. During the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Bill is gravely wounded by Fenrir Greyback but remains determined to fight for the Order. Despite his injuries, Bill survives and is among the few members still standing by the conclusion of the main series.

12. Charlie Weasley

Charlie Weasley is the second oldest son in the Weasley clan. He’s known for his sturdy build, friendly demeanor, and sunny outlook on life. Previously a student at Hogwarts, he was an accomplished Quidditch player, holding the positions of captain and Seeker for Gryffindor. With a deep-rooted love for nature and a strong interest in magical creatures, Charlie chose to work as a dragon tamer in Romania following his graduation from Hogwarts.

In a clear and conversational manner: With his deep knowledge and affection for dragons shown when helping transport Norbert, Hagrid’s newborn dragon, to safety, Charlie continues to be an active member of the Order of the Phoenix, even while being separated from his family. He is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing in wizards from other lands as new recruits. At Bill’s wedding to Fleur Delacour, Charlie makes a return from Romania to fulfill his role as best man.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, when the defenders were on the brink of collapse due to Voldemort’s relentless assaults causing significant casualties, Charlie stepped up and made a crucial difference. He and Horace Slughorn rallied hundreds of reinforcements from Hogsmeade and the loved ones of the Hogwarts fighters. This powerful force reversed the battle’s outcome and ultimately contributed to Voldemort’s downfall.

13. Fleur Delacour

In simpler terms, Fleur Delacour is a beautiful French witch hailing from the Magic Academy of Beauxbatons with partial Veela blood. This ancestry bestows upon her captivating good looks and the power to charm men. She makes her debut in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” as Beauxbatons’ representative in the Triwizard Tournament. Contrary to initial impressions of her being snobbish and distant, Fleur displays courage and talent during the competition.

After the thrilling tournament ended, I decided to accept a position at Gringotts Bank in Britain to enhance my English skills. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to cross paths with Bill Weasley. Our connection sparked instantly and before long, we were deeply in love and engaged. However, the road to acceptance wasn’t an easy one. The Weasley family, particularly Molly and Ginny, expressed their reservations about our relationship. They saw me as shallow and perceived Bill’s scars as a major obstacle. But I was determined to prove them wrong.

In the epic Battle of Hogwarts, Fleur valiantly fights, demonstrating her bravery and unwavering dedication to defeating Voldemort. After the battle’s end, both Fleur and Bill emerge victorious and welcome three wonderful children into their lives: Victoire, Dominique, and Louis.

14. and 15. Fred and George

Fred and George Weasley are renowned as mischievous twin brothers, born to Arthur and Molly Weasley, who are the fourth and fifth children among seven siblings. They joined Gryffindor House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where their knack for pranks and playful antics earned them notoriety. Although they present a carefree image, Fred and George possess impressive intellect and resourcefulness, most notably demonstrated in their creation of magical jokes and inventions.

I left Hogwarts in my sixth year with an entrepreneurial spark, determined to bring laughter and magic to Diagon Alley. With this vision, I founded Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, a joke shop that took off like a rocket. My knack for business and creativity paid off, turning the shop into a huge success. As I walked out of Hogwarts for the last time, I left a mark with an epic prank against the formidable Dolores Umbridge, the High Inquisitor. That prank cemented my reputation as a legendary figure in the halls of Hogwarts.

Fred and George are just as devoted and brave members of the Order of the Phoenix, playing significant roles in opposing Voldemort and his followers. Their strong connection and hilarious antics bring comfort during tough situations. Sadly, Fred meets his end at the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving a deep mark on his loved ones, most notably George.

George carries on managing Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes following Fred’s passing, but is greatly saddened by the demise of his twin. Later, he weds Angelina Johnson, a past Quidditch star from Gryffindor House, and they welcome two kids into their family, whom they name Fred in memory of George’s deceased brother.

16. Tonks

Nymphadora Tonks, often called simply Tonks, is a young and vibrant witch with an extraordinary ability. As a Metamorphmagus, she has the power to alter her looks whenever she desires. In her professional life, Tonks serves as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, while also being a committed member of the Order of the Phoenix.

With her unique, light-hearted humor and tendency to be clumsy, Tonks adds a delightful spirit to the storyline. She defies expectations by marrying Remus Lupin, initially hesitant due to his werewolf status. Their union results in the birth of their son, Teddy Lupin. Sadly, both Tonks and her husband lose their lives during the Battle of Hogwarts.

20. Aberforth Dumbledore

Aberforth, Albus Dumbledore’s younger and less renowned brother, resides in Hogsmeade, where he manages the Hog’s Head Inn with a gruff demeanor and preferring a solitary existence.

Aberforth’s history is marred by sorrowful events, such as the demise of his sister Ariana, which created tension between him and Albus. Yet, their disagreements did not deter Aberforth from being devoted in the battle against Voldemort. In hidden ways, he supported the Order of the Phoenix and offered sanctuary to students and associates during the Battle of Hogwarts.

21. Mrs. Figg

Mrs. Figg, a resident of Little Winging near the Dursleys, was not able to perform magic despite being born to magical parents. She frequently cared for Harry during his childhood years, yet Harry remained oblivious to her connections with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, as well as the broader Wizarding world.

22. and 23. Dedalus Diggle and Hestia Jones

During the Second Wizarding War, Dedalus Diggle and Hestia Jones were two individuals from the Order of the Phoenix who ensured the safety of the Dursley family.

24. Elphias Doge

In the late 1800s, Elphias Doge went to Hogwarts school of magic together with Albus Dumbledore. They developed a strong bond of friendship and trust during their younger years. Later on, Doge became a member of the Order of the Phoenix, most likely engaging in various fights during the First Wizarding War.

In the aftermath of Voldemort’s resurrection, Dumbledore summoned Doge once more to rejoin the clandestine Order of the Phoenix. Doge played a crucial role in safeguarding Harry Potter by accompanying him as part of the escort leaving his aunt and uncle’s house (in “Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix”). Subsequently, Doge attended Bill and Fleur’s wedding at the Burrow; however, he vanished when a horde of Death Eaters assaulted the venue.

25. Emmaline Vance

In the elite force known as the Advance Guard, there was a talented and combat-ready witch named Emmaline Vance. Sadly, Emmaline met her end at the hands of Death Eaters close to the residence of the Muggle Prime Minister in the year 1996. There are hints suggesting that Severus Snape betrayed Emmaline’s whereabouts to Lord Voldemort, potentially making this tragic sacrifice necessary for maintaining Snape’s allegiance with Voldemort.

26. Sturgis Podmore

During the fifth novel, Sturgis Podmore served as a wizard in two versions of the Order. At this time, he was tasked with safeguarding the Department of Mysteries’ entrance to shield a vital prophecy from Death Eaters. Unfortunately, the Death Eaters managed to infiltrate the ministry and used the Imperius Curse on Podmore, compelling him to steal the prophecy. Caught in the act, Podmore was sent to Azkaban. However, he was later cleared of any wrongdoing and reinstated into the Order once again.

27. Mundungus Fletcher

Mundungus Fletcher was a highly contentious figure within the Order, viewed with suspicion by many due to his ties to the criminal community. Despite this, Albus Dumbledore placed trust in him and leveraged his underworld connections to acquire intel for the Order during the First Wizarding War.

Following Sirius Black’s demise, Mundungus took it upon himself to sell off valuable items from 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry, having discovered this deceitful act, confronted Mundungus and as a result, Fletcher made an unsuccessful attempt to escape, leading him to be captured and imprisoned in Azkaban. Reluctantly joining the group during the Battle of the Seven Potters, Fletcher disguised himself among the members, including Harry. To keep a watchful eye on the suspicious wizard, Alastor Moody required Fletcher’s presence. However, this decision proved fatal when Fletcher panicked at the sight of Death Eaters and abandoned his post, ultimately allowing Voldemort to cast a lethal curse on Moody.

Afterward, I, Harry, along with Ron and Hermione, were on the hunt for a horribly enchanted locket of Voldemort’s, which had been pilfered by Fletcher. When we crossed paths with him, Fletcher casually revealed that the locket had been swiped by Dolores Umbridge.

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2024-07-21 16:43

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