Married At First Sight’s Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show – and the one thing she could have done differently

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

As I read through this article about Lucinda’s journey since appearing on Married at First Sight, I couldn’t help but be in awe of her resilience and self-awareness. Her ability to reflect on her experiences with grace and humility is truly inspiring.

In her own words, “Married at First Sight” participant Lucinda Light has shared details about her journey on the hit dating series.

In a conversation with Daily Mail Australia, Lucinda, aged 43, discussed her experiences on Married at First Sight and her transition following the program’s conclusion.

In her tranquil seaside home on the Great Ocean Road, Lucinda confessed that it seems unreal to her when people recognize her in larger cities.

She expressed amazement, saying, “The number of opportunities I’ve been given is more than I could have ever dreamed up.”

In a tranquil seaside community where I call home, my days are filled with simple pleasures – preparing meals, appreciating the beauty of nature, and ensuring I get sufficient rest. However, it continues to feel unusual and almost dreamlike when people recognize me in Melbourne or other unfamiliar places.

I really enjoy the heartfelt welcomes I get from people, making me feel as if we’ve been separated for a long time. It’s truly a wonderful experience.

The other day, I welcomed a concrete contractor into my home for some much-needed repairs. As he walked in, he was taken aback and exclaimed with surprise and delight, “Why, it’s you, Lucinda!” It took me by surprise, but his reaction brought a smile to my face.

Lucinda also spoke candidly about the biggest lesson she learnt from the experiment.

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently
Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

‘I learned some humbling things during my time on the experiment,’ she explained.

“This period of time brought about substantial growth, which has persisted. A valuable takeaway from this experience is to avoid being overly reactive or easily swayed by external influences.”

Reflecting on the overall experience, Lucinda expressed nothing but love and appreciation.

I had an amazing time with every part of it. The experience was truly extraordinary, covering a wide range – it was challenging at times, yet full of laughter, marked by significant discoveries, experiences of embarrassment, feelings of elation, anticipation, and even despair. In short, it encompassed the full spectrum of emotions.

I deeply enjoyed and appreciated each member of the cast and crew. Every day brought something fresh and exciting. This was a one-of-a-kind chance, unlike any other experience I’ve had. The more you invest, the more rewarding the outcome will be.

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

Staying Grounded

Amidst the public attention, Lucinda maintains a healthy mindset by staying true to herself.

‘I’m just me—at this age and stage, I feel pretty solid in myself,’ she gushed.

‘I’ve been through enough pain and tragedy in my life to now just feeling really grateful for it.’

“I view the public as a magnificent and reflective mirror—people exchanging love and beauty, seeing their own inner selves reflected in me.”

I sense the shared excitement of my crowd and long to know every individual and the passions that ignite them. Adopting a village brings me great joy.

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

No Regrets

Lucinda also doesn’t dwell on regrets from her time on the show.

I believe that living with regrets is a wasted part of life. Each experience, good or bad, shapes us into who we are today. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes and said things I wish I could take back. But, I choose not to dwell on these moments. Instead, I focus on what I can learn from them and use that knowledge to grow as a person. Life is too short to spend time regretting the past when we have the power to shape our future.

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

Handling Media Scrutiny 

Managing public interest and press coverage is no easy feat, but Lucinda takes a down-to-earth and practical stance.

People will always have varying perspectives, which can change over time. Try not to take every comment too seriously. Some harsh comments might even be generated by artificial intelligence.

I’m absolutely devoted to this topic and I’ve read countless articles about it. But unfortunately, not every piece I come across aligns with the facts as I see them. It’s an impossible task to make everyone happy all the time. Above all, I believe in staying true to myself and my beliefs, unapologetically so.

‘Authenticity is where it’s at—your most sincere attempt at it. Be you, be true. Don’t be afraid to share your vulnerability, your heart, your all…’

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently


After the show, Lucinda focused on self-care to maintain her mental and emotional health.

‘I went back home, straight back to nature—bush and coast—and surrounded myself with family.

For me, the key is practicing self-care. We all have unique methods, but mine include having a consistent sleep schedule, eating nutritiously, connecting with nature, being around cherished people, and immersing in the sea (a wonderful source of rejuvenation).

“I value the insights of those I deeply respect and often discuss these experiences with them. Some of these individuals and I have formed strong bonds through our shared unique experiences, and we remain connected.”

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

Doing Things Differently 

As a lifestyle expert looking back on my experiences, I’d confess that if I had the opportunity to redo things, I would have taken it simpler at the start.

“I have a great deal of love to share, but I’ve come to understand that each person progresses differently. I could have paid closer attention and learned a lot from the experience.”

Exciting UK Tour

Looking ahead, Lucinda is excited about her upcoming UK tour.

She expressed great enthusiasm about the upcoming UK tour, sharing that it would be filled with joy and warmth. I’m really looking forward to it!

Audience members will be treated to a captivating solo performance by me, filled with anecdotes from my experiences and the valuable insights I’ve gained, some of which were inspired by MAFS. The show is engaging, nourishing, and features a delightful sprinkle of cabaret entertainment.

Spending an evening with Lucinda Light focuses on understanding emotions, loving oneself, and staying true to who you are, all while respecting others. I’ve made significant progress in this area.

At the 2024 TV Week Logie Awards, Married At First Sight has been given a nomination in the category of Best Structured Reality Program. Supporters of the show have the opportunity to cast their votes for it online.

Married At First Sight's Lucinda Light reveals what it was really like appearing on the Channel Nine dating show - and the one thing she could have done differently

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2024-07-21 06:34

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