Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

This text appears to be a guide for building and using the character Isolde in the game Reverse: 1999. The guide covers her abilities, recommended Psychubes (equipment), and optimal team compositions. It emphasizes her role as a support character who specializes in applying burn effects, debuffs, and buffs to enhance her team’s damage output. The recommended teammates for Isolde include Spathodea, Tooth Fairy, and Jessica, based on their synergies with her abilities. The guide also suggests focusing on increasing her Insight Levels to unlock her full potential. At the end, it provides links to guides for other characters in Reverse: 1999.

The newly unveiled Reverse: 1999 Version 1.7 includes the long-awaited E Lucevan Le Stelle modification, marking the introduction of the initial Arcanist, Isolde. This update is filled with captivating additions such as new characters, upgraded elements, and thrilling activities like complimentary draws and a revival of the A Nightmare at Green Lake event. Elevate your gameplay by delving into my comprehensive Reverse: 1999 Isolde Construction Guide, created to unleash and optimize her potential.

To get started, I can provide you with a selection of informative resources. These include a “tier list” which ranks characters based on their strength, a beginner’s guide to help new players understand the basics, a reroll guide for those wanting to optimize their starting characters, a comprehensive gacha system guide explaining how to obtain new characters, an element guide detailing the different types and interactions, and a currency guide outlining the various forms of in-game currency.

Isolde Playstyle in Reverse: 1999

Isolde is a top-tier Arcanist specializing in the Spirit element, marking her as the initial 6-star addition to this class since its introduction. Her role centers around debuffing and supporting allies, specifically applying the Burn debuff. From the outset in her Prelude state, she bestows Ignition marks upon teammates, enabling them to inflict Burn, which subsequently evolves into Heat. Once accumulating 15 Heat stacks, Isolde transitions into Interlude, empowering her with the ability to unleash formidable attacks labeled Intermezzo. At a full complement of 40 stacks, she advances to Finale, endowing her with Power Burst and amplifying her damage output.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

In her finest move titled “Choking on Blood,” Isolde deals damage and inflicts the Burn status on opponents while boosting morale for allies. Among her abilities are the crowd-controlling “Twirling Melody” which burns enemies, and the debuff-inflicting “Desired Freedom” that significantly weakens targets. Isolde’s persistent Burn application, damaging attacks, and potent debuffs position her as an elite offensive Support character, optimizing team dynamics and effectiveness.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Character Insight Level-up Material

To enhance Isolde’s power in “In Reverse: 1999,” elevating her Insight Levels is crucial. This process strengthens her character, making her an indispensable team member due to the substantial advantages she gains with every Insight Level improvement as a potent 6-star damage dealer with a Spirit Affinity. Below are the required resources for upgrading Isolde’s Insight Level and the perks she obtains at each stage:

Insight I

At the beginning of a battle, initiate the [“Prelude”] status and deal 3 instances of the [“Burn”] debuff to all opponents. Towards the end of each round, as the enemy with the most “Burn” stacks loses them, you’ll acquire an equal amount of “Heat” stacks in return. Once you accumulate 15 “Heat” stacks, your [“Prelude”] status will transform into the [“Interlude”] status.

  • Sharpodonty x18000
  • Page of Plantal Vimen x3
  • Page of Beastly Thirst x3
  • Silver Ore x6
  • Milled Magnesia x5

Insight II

ATK +5% when the caster enters battle.

  • Sharpodonty x40000
  • Scroll of Plantal Vimen x5
  • Scroll of Beastly Thirst x5
  • Esoteric Bones x6
  • Golden Beetle x3

Insight III

When holding 40 [Heat] stacks, the [Interlude] status changes to the [Finale] status.

  • Sharpodonty x200000
  • Tome of Plantal Vimen x8
  • Tome of Beastly Thirst x8
  • Murmur of Insanity x6
  • Serpent Scepter x3

Best Psychubes for Isolde in Reverse: 1999

To get the best damage output from Isolde’s burn abilities and enhancements, it’s crucial to choose the most beneficial Psychubes. Here are some suggested Psychubes to amplify her capabilities:

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

Knock on the Door (Best 6-star Psychube)

The “Knock on the Door” Psychobe suit significantly benefits Isolde. It enhances her chance to score critical hits and amplifies her damage towards enemies already afflicted by burn status. This gear complements perfectly Isolde’s capacity to inflict burn effects frequently.

Blasphemer of Night (Alternative 6-star Psychube)

The Psychube monikerd “Blasphemer of Night” is another excellent option, substantially increasing Isolde’s damage capacity and intensifying her subsequent strikes. This particular Psychube is advantageous given its role in persistently inflicting debuffs and profiting from [Burn] effects.

Balance, Please (Alternative 6-star Psychube)

As a gamer, I’d suggest the following: Let’s even out Isolde’s skills, keeping her offensive power in check while allowing her to boost her team with beneficial effects and hinder enemies with debuffs. This Psychube upgrade will fine-tune her versatility, maximizing both her damage output and utility in diverse battle situations.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Best Team

In the concluding segment of this Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide, it’s essential to understand that Isolde performs optimally when her supporting capabilities are fully utilized, enabling her to shift the course of battles. To unlock Isolde’s full potential in Reverse: 1999, consider teaming her with particular characters. These alliances significantly boost her abilities, particularly those related to burn effects, buffs, and debuffs. Here are three characters that complement Isolde well:


Spathodea and Isolde make an ideal pairing, as Isolde’s capability to consistently inflict burn effects greatly enhances Spathodea’s performance. The persistent burn effect from Isolde aids Spathodea in reaching her critical burn levels at a faster rate. This accelerated process ultimately amplifies Spathodea’s potential damage output.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

The harmonious collaboration between Spathodea keeps their damage output consistently high, making them an intimidating team during battles.

Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy shines in amplifying a team’s critical hit probability and damage, which synergizes well with Isolde’s ability to inflict burn and debuff effects. By elevating the critical hit capacity of the team, the Tooth Fairy makes Isolde’s debilitating debuffs and damaging burns even more potent, thereby contributing to increased overall damage output.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

As a fan of this dynamic duo, I’d describe their synergy like this: I’m in awe of how Isolde skillfully applies debuffs and burns to our enemies, while Tooth Fairy magnificently boosts our team’s damage potential with her critical enhancements.


As a gamer, I can tell you that Jessica and Isolde make a great team because of my ability to handle Reality damage, which Isolde can significantly boost with her debuffs. My skills gain extra strength from Isolde’s burn effects, leading to more damage inflicted on our enemies.

Reverse: 1999 Isolde Build Guide: Best Team, Psychubes, and more

As a gamer, I’d describe it like this: When Isolde debuffs an enemy, she weakens their defenses, making it simpler for Jessica to unleash her potent assaults and inflict substantial damage. This synergy between the two characters amplifies their individual battle prowess.

Final Thoughts

As a gamer building Isolde in Reverse: 1999, I recommend focusing on enhancing her support capabilities by carefully selecting team compositions and Psychubes that complement her role. For instance, pairing her with healers like Tooth Fairy can boost her healing abilities and provide additional support for your team. Burn synergies can be achieved through Spathodea’s presence, enhancing Isolde’s damage output against enemies affected by debuffs. Jesicca is another excellent choice due to her ability to amplify debuffs, making Isolde’s support even more effective. Increasing Insight Levels should be a priority, as they unlock her full potential and grant access to powerful abilities. Lastly, carefully consider which Psychubes will best suit Isolde’s role and synergize with your team composition.

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  • Reverse: 1999 Getian Build Guide
  • Reverse: 1999 Spathodea Build Guide
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2024-07-14 17:12

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