Three Women episode 3 review: I can understand some of Sloane’s motives, but she’s hard to empathize with at times

In the third episode of “Three Women,” titled “sloane,” it becomes evident that the protagonist from Massachusetts has a strained, at best, relationship with her mother and, in turn, her entire family. This complex dynamic unfortunately brings about unfavorable outcomes as depicted in our review of this week’s installment on Starz. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: SPOILERS AHEAD.

Star Trek lacks one story arc from it’s compendium of stories

Star Trek boasts numerous compelling narratives, encompassing a wide range of emotional experiences. From episodes dealing with fear, sorrow, anguish, post-traumatic stress, and beyond, Star Trek has left its mark for over half a century. It features intense rivalries such as the one between Khan Noonien Singh and Captain Kirk, heartwarming friendships like those of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander Will Riker, and even exceptional mentor-protégé relationships, exemplified by Captain Kathryne Janeway and Seven of Nine.